Kapitel 7

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Lincoln, Pandora and the Mon Squad are standing in front of a house. Smith goes to the door and rings. After a while, a young man opens the door.

"Hello Darling-kun," Smith says with a smile, the young man says, "Hello Ms

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"Hello Darling-kun," Smith says with a smile, the young man says, "Hello Ms. Smith, what are you doing here, and you knocked, that's never happened before." says Darling-kun, a dripping sweat runs from Lincoln's forehead because of this statement. Darling-kun now notices Lincoln and says to Smith, "Another one again?" Lincoln turns to Smith and says, "What does he mean?" Smith replies, "Darling-kun has six guests and you could say that I brought the one here." Smith says to Darling-kun, "But we're not here for that, we want to talk to Miia." Darling-kun says "I'll get her" Darling-kun goes back into the house and shortly thereafter Darling-kun comes back and with him a girl with a snake tail comes in the door.

" Darling-kun says "I'll get her" Darling-kun goes back into the house and shortly thereafter Darling-kun comes back and with him a girl with a snake tail comes in the door

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"Hello Ms. Smith, why do you want to see me, did something happen?" The girl asks, she notices Lincoln points a finger at him and asks, "Who's the big guy?" Lincoln replies, "I'm Lincoln Loud, nice to meet you." the girl answers "I'm Miia and the young man here is Kimihito Kurusu but I call him just Darling." Kurusu tells Lincoln "Nice to meet you Lincoln.". "Miia, we are here because Lincoln is looking for someone and you might know her." Smith says to Miia, Miia says, "Are you looking for Lincoln?" Lincoln takes out the necklace and opens the pendant and says, "Her name is Saadia Shirohebi." (For info Shirohebi is the last name, Lincoln had only remembered the last name in the one chapter.) Miia's eyes widen and she says, "This is an old photo of my friend, but for a moment she did not say .... "Miia looks at Lincoln and says," You're the Lincoln !!! The Lincoln Saadia talked about all the time. " Lincoln's eyes drop when she says that and he says, "You know her?" Miia answers "Yes I know her, we have to take her to her, she still lives in my hometown." Miia turns to Smith and says "Please Ms.Smith she's been waiting for him for so long, please bring him to her." Smith smiles and says to Lincoln "Come on, we bring you to her."


Lincoln, Pandora and Smith are arriving in the hometown of Miia. The city is big and wherever you look you can see Lamias. Lincoln and Smith get out and Smith asks "An idea where to go Lincoln?" Lincoln looks around until he feels something, something pulls him in a certain direction and he says, "This way." Lincoln walks ahead and Smith and Pandora follow him, the three walk for a while, until they arrive at a small hill. Lincoln runs up the hill and when he gets to the top he sees a white-haired woman with her back turned to him and she has a snake tail. Lincoln says "Saadia?" the woman turns around and when she sees Lincoln she covers her mouth with her hands and tears start to run and she asks "Lincoln?"

 Lincoln says "Saadia?" the woman turns around and when she sees Lincoln she covers her mouth with her hands and tears start to run and she asks "Lincoln?"

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Lincoln answers with a smile "Yes Saadia." Saadia comes up to Lincoln quickly and hugs him, she cries in his shoulder and says "LINCOLN !!! I've missed you so much." Lincoln hugs back and strokes her head and says, "Me too." Saadia lets go of Lincoln, grabs the head and kisses him, Lincoln kisses back and when the two were done, Saadia asks, "Lincoln what happened, why did you have a scorpion tail and wings?" Lincoln laughs lightly and says, "This is a story for another time, all that matters is that we are together." Lincoln hugs her and Saadia says "Yes that's right.".

The beautiful moment was dashed by Smith as she comes up the hill and says, "Great that you found each other but could you tell me what you are up to?" Saadia asks Lincoln, "Lincoln, who is that?" Lincoln says, "That's Ms. Smith, she helped find you, and what do we want to do now?" Saadia looks at Lincoln and says "I do not care what we do as long as I can be with you." Lincoln smiles and says, "That's right, do you know something Ms. Smith what we can do now?" Smith smiles and says, "How about working with us Lincoln? You can be a part of the Mon Squad, you seem to have enough training, so what do you say? We will get you both a house and that will come in to be near your friend Miia, Saadia. " Lincoln and Saadia look at each other and nod to each other and say, "We accept." Smith reaches out to Lincoln and says, "Welcome to Mon Squad Lincoln."

To be continued.

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