Chapter 11

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln POV

It's Lori and Bobby's wedding, I'm standing in the corridor with a suit and looking at the clock, we're too late. I call out, "Saadia, Charlotte, we'll be late, hurry." I hear from Saadia "We're coming, honey." Charlotte comes into the hallway and wears a red dress, Saadia comes winding in the corridor and she wears a black dress, my eyes widen from the beauty that my girlfriend and daughter bring with them. Saadia gives me a smile and asks, "What do we look like?" I say, "You are as beautiful as the day I first saw you." Saadia turns red and holds her face with her hands, and says, "I have such a nice man." Charlotte pulls on a trouser leg and asks "And me daddy?" I hug her and say, "You're as beautiful as your mommy, and you do not have to ask me anything like that because you're always beautiful, keep that in mind, sweetheart." Charlotte hugs me and I say, "We have to go now." I open a portal and we go through it.

Lori POV

Today is the wedding of me and Bobby! All the guests are already there, except for Lincoln, Saadia and Charlotte, I told them extra that they should come a bit later, so we can prepare the guests for them. I'm getting ready, I'm asking my mom "Mom, can you please inform the guests about Lincoln, Saadia and Charlotte?" Mom nods and says, "Of course Lori, get ready." she walks out of the room and my sisters help me get ready.

Rita POV

I go into the hall and tap a glass with a knife, the whole hall is quiet and looks in my direction, I say "hello all, I should inform you about something, you know my son, Lori's brother Lincoln ? " Most of them nod in the hall and I say, "Let me inform you that he is coming to the wedding and with him two more people, we tell you that because he has changed a lot over time and his companions as well." Most in the room raise an eyebrow and I see Ronnie Anne rolling her eyes. Suddenly a portal opens in the middle of the hall and everyone in the hall steps away from the portal, Lincoln, Saadia and Charlotte come through the portal. Lincoln looks around and sees me, he waves and says "Hi Mom." I just shake my head, because it's normal for him, what he just did.

Lincoln POV

We go out of the portal and come into the hall, most of them look at us, I see the family of Bobby, old classmates of Lori and Bobby, the friends of the two, even Carol Pingrey I thought Lori hates her? Very many look at us with a startling look, I see my mom and say "Hi Mom." she just shakes her head with a smile. I turn to the other guests and say, "Hello everyone, not seen for a long time." most of them just just look at me, I say "I'm sure most of them have questions like why I, or my two beautiful companions, look like this, or where I was the whole time or how I did it with the portal but that has to wait, today is the day of my sister and Bobby, so have a nice day and it's nice to see you again."

Me, Saadia and Charlotte go to my mom and give her a hug, Saadie and Charlotte also give her a hug and she asks "How are you three?" Saadia says "Very good Rita and you?" Mom says "Very well too." We talk for a while, I feel the glances of the guests, but just ignore them, we are not like others, but that does not matter, I do not care, I have a beautiful girlfriend and a beautiful daughter. I feel two people come to us, I look behind me and see two faces that I have not seen in a long time. One of a Mexican woman and the other of a black man, I say "Long, not seen, Ronnie and Clyde." Ronnie says "Lame-o." I frown and say, "My name is Lincoln, not Lame-o." Clyde says, "Lincoln, what happened to you?" I say "people are changing over time." Saadia looks at Ronnie and says, "So you're Ronnie Anne." Ronnie looks at Saadia with an angry look and says "And who are you?" Saadia replies "I'm Saadia Shirohebi and I'm Lincon's girlfriend and this little one is our daughter Charlotte." Clyde says, "As if Lincoln would do that." I say "Clyde it's true, she's my girlfriend and Charlotte is my daughter."

The two seem quite surprised, but Ronnie gets angry and says, "That should be better than me ?!" Her face is a few inches from mine and she says "She's half a snake! How can she be better than me ?! I'm a normal woman and you say she's better than me." I say calmly "I do not care about things like look, I'm only interested in the intrinsic values." Saadia and Charlotte hug me and I hug them back, Ronnie just gets more angry and says "Let's live with your monsters." I say, "I'll do that because I'm a monster, too." With that the two go back and Saadia kisses me on the mouth and says "You are and you stay mine."


The wedding ceremony was beautiful, Lori and Bobby are dancing, Lori is wearing a beautiful wedding dress and Bobby is wearing a nice tuxedo. The dance ends and I go to Lori and touch her on the shoulder, she turns around and hugs me, I laugh lightly and say "Hi Lori and you too Bobby." She lets me go again and says, "How do you like the wedding?" I answer "She is very beautiful, Saadia and Charlotte, she thinks she is very beautiful." Bobby says "How are you little bro?" I smile and say "I'm fine, thanks for asking, I'm actually here for your present." Bobby says "If it's too late, no problem." I say "No, no, but you can send it bad by mail, it is outside comes with a short time." I go out and Lori and Bobby follow me. I open the door outside and Saadia and Charlotte are standing in front of a car with a bow, me, Saadia and Charlotte say "Surprise!"

 I open the door outside and Saadia and Charlotte are standing in front of a car with a bow, me, Saadia and Charlotte say "Surprise!"

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Lori shuts her mouth and says, "Lincoln, Saadia, that's way too much." Saadia says, "Oh that's nothing, we deserve well, we just figured you both needed a car because of ..." Saadia points to her stomach and Bobby says, "You know how?" I say "I have my ways." Lori says, "I do not know what to do now." Saadia says "Accept your gift." Lori nods and hugs me, Saadia and Charlotte, she says, "Thanks little brother."

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