Chapter 8

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(All images, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln and Saadia have been living together for two months now and they think it's wonderful, they've got a house next to Kurusu and they got to know each other well.

Lincoln and Saadia have been living together for two months now and they think it's wonderful, they've got a house next to Kurusu and they got to know each other well

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Life is quiet, Lincoln works with the Mon Squad and draws his own comic when he has time. Saadia has learned to cook and helps Lincoln when he needs help. The two have a nice life together and they love each other very much.

Smith is at the door and with her another person, "I'm sure they will take you, do not be afraid they will take good care of you." Smith says with a smile as she rings the bell. Saadia opens the door and says when she sees Smith "Hello Ms. Smith, did something happen?" Smith greets "Hello Saadia, could you bring Lincoln here?" Saadia shouts "Lincoln, come over here!" After a short wait, Lincoln comes to the door and asks, "What's up? Oh hello Ms. Smith." Smith says "hello Lincoln and what's up ...." Smith moves aside and you see an Arachne.

"This is Charlotte and she is eight years old

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"This is Charlotte and she is eight years old." Says Smith. Smith gets close to Saadia and Lincoln and whispers to them, "She's an orphan and she needs a home, her family was killed and I wanted to ask you if you could take her." Lincoln and Saadia say hello and nod to each other, smith says "I know it's a bit much but" Saadia interrupts Smith and says "Ms.Smith we'll take care of her if she likes it here she likes to stay, but if she does Do not like it, can we call you? " Smith smiles at Charlotte and says to Saadia, "Of course we can do it that way." Lincoln smiles and says "I'll bring your stuff Charlotte." Lincoln goes to the car, opens the car and takes out two suitcases. Saadia goes to Charlotte puts a hand on her shoulder and says "You'll have fun here." Charlotte smiles slightly and nods. "Well, I'll go, have fun, you three." says Smith.

After Smith leaves, Lincoln and Saadia show Charlotte her room. Charlotte looks a bit happy and Lincoln and Saadia are standing at the door and smile, after unpacking, ordering Lincoln Pizza for dinner. At dinner, all three laugh through jokes and stories. After dinner, Saadia brings out a few board games and the three games she plays, only LIncoln loses every round and he is slowly despairing "Oh, come on !!!" Saadia and Charlotte wholeheartedly laugh at Lincoln's reaction. After playing, Saadia brings Charlotte to her bed and then she snakes in the room of her and Lincoln. The two were about to fall asleep, but then the door opens and there stands Charlotte and she seems scared and says "Can I sleep here? I had a nightmare." Lincoln and Saadia smile and Saadia says, "Come here." Charlotte lays in the middle of Lincoln and Saadia and slowly falls asleep but still says in a low voice, "Thank you Mommy and Daddy." The two of them had a shocked face for a moment, but shortly afterwards they smile and Lincoln says, "No problem, swettie." Saadia hugs Charlotte and Lincoln puts one of his wings over the two to protect them.


After living together for a week, Lincoln and Saadia have decided on something. Ms. Smith is sitting at the table with them and Lincoln calls, "Charlotte, please come into the dining room." Shortly thereafter, Charlotte enters the dining room and asks, "What's up?" Saadia says "Charlotte me and Lincoln have chosen something and that's why Ms. Smith is here." Charlotte sees Smith and starts to cry and says "Will you send me away, please do not I want to stay with Mommy and Daddy !!!" Lincoln goes to Charlotte and hugs her tight and says, "We do not want to send you away !!! We want to know if you're okay with us adopting you." Charlotte hugs Lincoln and says between sobs, "Yes, I want to be your daughter." Smith smiles and takes out some papers and says, "Then you have to sign this and the adoption has come into effect." Lincoln and Saadia sign the papers and hand them over to Smith, Charlotte is happy she has a family again and Lincoln and Saadia are happy they have a daughter.

To be continued.

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