Chapter 29

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(A/N: Warning! Prepare your heart)

Pruney... Lisa looks at her pruned hands and groans in disgust. She would need to douse her hands in a bottle of lotion to make it smooth again. She spends almost the whole entire night washing those dishes and those crappy thing that they called gloves didn't even work. Who would have thought that it was that hard?

She works for four hours, with crappy pay but is it even worth it?

Lisa stares at their apartment door. It was only a few more minutes before their monthsary and Lisa stares back at the small paper bag that she had for Jennie. She couldn't even afford to buy her a big gift since she basically have no money. She have to borrow from Jisoo just so she could be able to give her something.

Lisa looks back in worry as she sees their apartment lighted up with candle.

"W-what happened? Did they cut off our light?"

"What?" Jennie chuckles. "No... I'm ahhh... Trying to make it more romantic by candlelight. Happy Monthsary Love"

Jennie have said it so gleefully that Lisa had simply forget the reason why she was worrying in the first place.

"Happy 6th Monthsary Baby"

Jennie was about to take Lisa's hand but Lisa embarrassingly stuff her hand back in her coat's pocket. Jennie noticing Lisa's reaction, quickly steps closer taking Lisa's hand out.

Lisa's soft hands smelled of detergent, it was rougher than what Jennie was used to holding.

"Ummm... I found a job." Lisa tries to say happily, even if she has to convince herself that.


And Jennie smiles painfully, Lisa didn't need to tell her what job she had, it was obvious from the girl's hand. Jennie lifted Lisa's hand to her lips, brushing her lips gently on those hands.

"I feel so much better..." Lisa confesses before she wraps her arm around Jennie's shoulders. Lisa leans her forehead on Jennie's and the two just smile at each other. "You make every crap in my life just worth it."

Jennie chuckles before kissing Lisa on the lips. "You're such a romantic. Oh by the way... I want you to taste this."

Jennie motions Lisa to sit down, Jennie lifted a fork to Lisa's mouth and she couldn't help but smile proudly as Lisa's eyes gleamed at the cheesecake.

"Is it good?"

But Lisa answers Jennie with a kiss, letting Jennie taste the delectable sweet in her mouth, before she smiles teasingly. "What do you think?"

Jennie looks away to hide her blush. "It's ummm... good. I made it for you."

"You did? I'm impressed."

"Kekeke... Jeongyeon Unnie help me though." Jennie kissed Lisa's forehead before leaning hers against it. "For tonight Lili... I just want you to forget everything. Just make this night about us."

Jennie started her gift by pressing a kiss on Lisa's lips.


It was a game of push and pull whenever Lisa and Jennie make love.

Lisa would hide her smile by nibbling at the soft flesh on Jennie's neck. Simply enjoying the sound that Jennie would sputter everytime she would touch her. At the start, Jennie might think that she was winning as Lisa would take her gentle and slow. She would only let go of a few sensual moans accompanied by breathless "I love you's"...

But Lisa perfectly knew how to take all of the innocence out of Jennie and in one motion. Lisa would quickly push Jennie to the edge. It was almost like both of them have been possessed, pulled into a world where only they would know. The gentleness was replace with aggression, the sweetness with lust and soft moans have grown to an almost scream...

And Jennie for countless of times would have like to scream to her lover to slow down, but its like her mouth has a mind of its own when the only word that comes out of her was the word "more"...

In the game of push and pull, nobody wins. For they end up losing their sanity, their emotions and their selves to their lover.

And in the game of push and pull, nobody lose. Because there was no feeling that would ever feel greater than getting lost in each other's arms.


Lisa stretches her body out satisfyingly before quickly latching on to the warmth beside her. Jennie chuckles as she felt Lisa nuzzling through her hair.

Jennie turns around and smiles as Lisa always have that goofy lovesick grin after the night.

"Good morning love" Jennie greets her with a cute yawn.

"Morning love"

"I have a gift for you..."

Lisa quickly got on top of Jennie... But was disappointed when Jennie started laughing and hit her on the arm.

"No you PERV! Wait..."

Jennie got out of bed and Lisa just watch admiringly at Jennie's naked body moving gracefully even if she's just walking.

Jennie turns around and hands Lisa a paper bag.

"Happy Monthsary"

"What's in it?" Lisa tries to peek inside and finally digs her hand in. She couldn't help but smile as she saw Jennie's gift.

Her saloon brand shampoo and conditioner with a ribbon tied on the neck of the bottle.

Jennie smiles embarrassingly "I know what you might think Lili, but I..."

Lisa kisses Jennie on the lips...

"I love it"

Jennie climbs back into bed and straight in Lisa's arms. "I just want you to know Lili, that even if we're in this much crap right now. I'll do what I can to make it easier. I love you!"

"I love you too!" Lisa then got out of bed and quickly picks up her gift.

"I got you something too..."

Jennie smiles got brighter as she pulls out a cute brown teddy bear from the bag. Lisa couldn't help but feel embarrassed, before she would give those random chicks she had expensive gifts yet she couldn't even give the one she loves a decent size bear.

But for Jennie it doesn't matter, she tilts Lisa's chin so she could stare in those hopeful worried brown eyes.

"I love it so much!"

"You do?" Lisa says doubtfully. "It's kinda small so it's not that huggable."

"I don't need a big one either."

Jennie set the teddy bear aside and wrap her arms around Lisa's neck, pulling the girl on top of her. "I already have you!"

The girls smile through their kiss as Lisa's hand starts roaming Jennie's body. And Lisa leans closer to take all of Jennie. Lisa have been in that place before countless of times but Jennie still couldn't help but felt like it's her first time whenever Lisa would touch her. It was exciting, nerve wrecking and above all addicting.

And they confess their love to each other the best way they know why...

By making love...


I know it's a short chapter update but, for me it's so romantic scene. That's why I don't want it to be mixed with another coming scenes 😘😘😘

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