Chapter 55.1

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The nerves in Jennie start to take over her again, her heart beating rapidly. She exhales a shaky breath and deep inside prayed to God that her brother would finally come.

"Oppa? Hurry up we're-"

"I'm sorry Jenjen..." Jin wraps in Jennie in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry for everything that I put you and Lisa through."

"Oppa... It's over now..."

"No, it isn't... It never is..." Jin cups Jennie's cheek and stares intently into those cat eyes. "I'm sorry for not being the brother that you have always needed, sorry for being a coward."

Jennie closes her eyes, refusing to let her tears fall.

"I know it would never be enough to fix things but..."

Jin have always seen tears as a sign of weakness but right this very moment, his tears have finally set him free.

"I don't need you to fix things Oppa..." Jennie turns to her brother. "I need for us to start over again. I needed you before and you weren't there, you tried to pull me away from Lisa when all I needed at that time was someone to reassure that we're going to be okay."

Jennie starts to cry, her frustrations and hurt pouring out.

"I needed you to stay with me this time, I needed you to be the big brother that I have thought would always protect and take care of me. You're the only family I have left and I need you."

"No... I'm not..."

"What?" Jennie looks up at Jin with such a surprised look. "What are you talk- Papa?"

Jennie felt like a child again, running back to her father's arms as she sees him walking towards her. He cups his daughter's cheek, before pressing a kiss on Jennie's forehead.

"You here... Papa... You're here!" Jennie wrap her arms around her father, somehow a feeling of comfort and reassurance have washed away all her fears of what have happen today.

Her father pulls away to look at her, a daughter so beautiful, so stunning. A daughter to be proud of "You look so beautiful..." Her father took his daughter back in his arms before uttering those five words "I love you so much Jenjen..."

It was those words that he kept saying to Jennie when the girl was growing up. But he never realized how empty those words are, blank words that he only says just for the sake of it. He would have never thought that it would be until Lisa have forcibly open this truth for him to accept.

It was bitter for him to realized that it wasn't letting Jennie be with Lisa that made him a failure, but it was the fact that he wasn't there just when his daughter have needed him the most.

He pulls his daughter closer to him, in an embrace he promised to be the father that she have always deserved...

"I love you so much, Jenjen!"

He said those words one more time, but this time he truly means it. Every word of it.


Lisa screws her eyes shut and takes a deep breath, never did she feel this nervous until now. It was only just few seconds she knows but waiting for Jennie felt like an eternity.

And the moment she saw Jennie, it left her and everyone in that room breathless. There was no one who even came close to how breathtaking Jennie was. Their eyes were lock at each other the whole time, both their hearts beating out of pace as Jennie takes every step closer to her.

To put it simply, Jennie and Lisa have fallen for each other again.

But Lisa's daydream was cut short when she almost stumble forward as Jisoo slaps her hard in the back.

"Breathe you idiot, you don't want to faint on your wedding day..."

"Shut up Chu!"

Jennie couldn't help to be the first one to look away. Lisa's eyes were an intense mix of both love and lust, a desire that have to resist each other. The desire have always been there, Jennie have always been thought of as the more quiet one, but right now she wasn't sure if people could see it. How much she wanted Lisa right now. It scared Jennie but at the same time, excite her as well.

And finally, they were standing there, so close to finally committing to forever. Jennie's father lays a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead before wrapping his arms around Lisa.

"You're much deserving of my daughter than any other man in this world."

"Thank you sir..."

And the two found themselves smiling as they lock eyes once again.

The two shares a shy smile before turning their gaze to the minister. But the poor minister was only ignored when the brides' only focus was on each other, stealing a few glances here and there, and giggling shyly like two teenagers when they would catch each other's eyes.

to have and to hold...

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

until death do us part.

This vow was more than just words to them, they have lived it, cried and suffered through it. And how many people can say that? That they have went through hell and back only to return stronger and much more inlove than they ever thought possible.

Jisoo excitedly hands Lisa the wedding bands.

"This is my promise to you..."

Jennie's eyes twinkle softly as she sees what has been engraved in their wedding bands.

She smiles at Lisa as her now soon to be wife slips a ring on her finger, with the name Mrs. Manoban engraved in the inner part of the ring.

"This ring is my promise to you, that you Jennie Kim, you're more than just my wife, you're my better half, my equal, my heart, my soul, my life... I love you..." Lisa leans close softly whispering to Jennie "I love you, Mrs. Manoban!"

And Jennie press herself closer to Lisa, taking Lisa's hand to slowly slip the ring in Lisa's finger.

"I love you too Mrs. Kim..." Jennie whisper back.

"You may now kiss" The minister scratches his head, confuse to how it will end it. He smiles as he turns back to the gorgeous brides "each other."

And the whole place was filled with excitement, cheers and laughter as Lisa leans in and presses a soft kiss on Jennie's forehead, Jennie responds back by wrapping her arms around Lisa.

"Oh c'mon dude!" Jisoo groans... "You can kiss more than that!"

"Shut up perv!!!" Seulgi slaps Jisoo on the arm.

Lisa and Jennie could only laugh, their eyes never separating as they cherish every second of this moment. Finally, the world doesn't seem so bad after all, and finally the world has now decided to celebrate their love with them.

Finally, they have their forever...


Because you gays want it, so here it is... And beside I don't want my 2019 will be full of bad luck because of some curse! 😉😆🙃

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