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Charles was losing the track of time until he suddenly opened his eyes to see nothing but a thick layer of white mist, so thick that he couldn't even see the water at his chest. Confusion ran through his mind.

He brought his hands in front of him and felt nothing. Charles turned around to try to find the edge of the natural hot pool. Nowhere. The feeling of panic grew within him. Strange muttering sounds flowed through the thick mist. It sounded like cursing in a different language. Something unnatural was occurring.

"Cho-oo-osen o-one!" rasped a voice. It sounded slithery and venomous, almost as if it wasn't entirely human.

"Chosen one! Help me!" it cried. Charles could feel a sense of foreboding, his inner senses told him that something evil and ancient was stirring.

Charles decided that he had to help whoever it was, despite his logical reasoning to run. He followed the sound, wading through the water. The whispering got louder and sharper. A cold wind blew from the direction he was heading, making him shiver. The fog got even thicker if that was possible.

"Yes... Come closer... Hero!" the voice crooned. Charles began to hesitate. Something was definitely not right.

The fog finally began to clear. To Charles' surprise, he was no longer in the rock pool, well he was. Except it was a different one. Black walls and an enclosed ceiling high above. He was in some cave, slightly illuminated from otherwise inky darkness.

"Yes Hero! Such a FOOL!" laughed the voice. Cackling followed, echoing through the cavern. Charles felt exposed. Where was he? He heard a strange splash right behind him and turned to see a walker right behind him, with a gruesome bloody face and sunken eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he yelled. He punched the walker in the head, knocking it head over heels into the water. Luckily the walkers weren't very steady on their feet. He stepped back and bumped into something soft and gooey. He didn't even turn around this time, knowing very well what it was. Charles ran to the edge of the water and climbed out, only have another walker in his way, with the same sunken bloody eyes and a hanging jaw.

The walker growled and charged at him, only to receive a heavy fist in the face like the last one, followed by a leg sweep. The body tumbled into the water. More groans and growls echoed through the darkness. Another walker lunged at him, which he managed to shoulder throw into the jagged rocks with a sickening crack. Thank god he took mixed martial arts courses. 

Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he followed his heightened instincts. Swing after swing and tackle after tackle. There were too many walkers. Charles screamed as a set of teeth bit into his arm as another grabbed his legs. He tore himself free from the deathly grips and backed away from the horde.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! SHIT! SHIT!" he cried, realising that struggling was hopeless. The walkers had him surrounded in the cave. How could he follow such an evil sounding voice in the first place? He was an absolute idiot.

"Feel the despair! Yes, this is what will come to all of you!" rasped the voice from the darkness. Suddenly a cold blade pierced Charles' back and stuck out from the front of his chest. He gasped in shock and tried to turn his head, but a cold, bony hand held the back of his neck in place.

"Don't worry, soon you'll join the walkers and serve the great one!" the raspy creature said into his ears. "In fact, you'll be leading them! MWEEEEHAHAHAHA!" The laughter sounded like a degenerative donkey scream.

Charles could feel his consciousness fading. Without the pain, it was peaceful as if he was entering deep sleep. Then everything went dark and silent.

"Chosen one..." a voice seemed to call from far away. Charles didn't want to awaken. He felt so relaxed and ethereal, in a deep slumber.

"Chosen one... Your time is not over yet!" It was more urgent and closer this time.

"I CAN'T HOLD THEM BACK!" Screamed the thousand voices entity. 

There was silence for a moment.

"I hope my gamble will pay off, or you shall pay dearly Chosen One!"

Charles was forcefully torn away from his ethereal slumber much to his annoyance. His senses came back to him. He could feel his heart beating again.

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