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Meanwhile somewhere far far away from Charles and Beatrice, something more sinister was happening. Through the shallow layers of hell, an apostle of darkness was having a friendly discussion with friends.

"I believe my orders were clear. Why is it, that they have not been followed?" thundered a resonating, deep voice. 

"I'm sorry master, I set everything up perfectly, it should have-"

"SILENCE FOOL!" roared the deeper voice. "He grows in power with every passing day! Your punishment... is ETERNAL TORMENT! MUAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA!"

"NOOO! Please! One more chance plea- AAARRGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!" screamed the minion. The sound of sizzling filled the air, mixed in with the tormented cries and screams. The screams turned to weak whimpering, which soon fell silent. More roaring laughter boomed from the depth of the void.

"Filthy, useless minion. Azearon! You are the next head hunter! Come forth, and hear your orders." commanded the deep voice. "You will use everything at your disposal... to destroy him before his powers awaken. Finish him completely, is that clear?"

 A slithery, reptilian noise came from the darkness. It sounded like scales sliding across an uneven, hard surface.

"Yesss, your greatnesssss! I shall not fail like the last one." hissed another voice. 

"Indeed. You will not fail. Not with these gifts. Do you know what these are?" demanded the commanding voice. Yipping sounds filled the air.

"Ssssilver Fang younglingssss! You are too generoussss, my lord!" hissed Azearon. "I shall leave immediately and return with the head!"

"This time he will fall! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! RAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MWEEEHEEEHEEEHEEE!" the raucous laughter echoed through the darkness. "MIUMIUHIUHIUHIUHIUHIU!!!!! The prophecy has begun! RAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

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