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"And... now we place the food on the blankets." said Charles as he placed plates of sandwiches, crackers and cheese and tea down. 

The two of them were alone on top of a hill next to the woods, enjoying a peaceful picnic away from the town and castle whilst they watched the sun slowly set over the horizon. They had been riding for a while, making idle chatter along the way. Charles told her more about his old world. He spoke of schools, taxis, skyscrapers and the amazing internet, which Beatrice had trouble understanding. 

Beatrice was lying in the long green blades of grass on her back. She looked up at the vast purple-orange heavens with clouds passing slowly. Beatrice was wearing a simple white dress as usual, and had a wide straw hat. The epic view mesmerised her.

"Wow, the sky is so big and round!" exclaimed Beatrice.

"I used to do this alone everyday when I took lunch breaks. The difference is that now I have you here with me." said Charles. He laid down beside Beatrice and watched the sky with her.

"Oh you silly billy! How is your morning training going by the way?" asked Beatrice. She looked over to Charles. A cool breeze rustled through the grass.

"Sir Wilson taught me a few things today. He was horrified when he first saw me swinging around the wooden stick in the morning." 

"His such a tight ass isn't he, but I've heard he's a really good teacher." said Beatrice.


They enjoyed one another's presence in silence as Charles munched on a sandwich with salami and cheese. A sudden chill ran down his back. He recognised the feeling from when there was a sinister presence watching him.

"Are there still walkers out here?" asked Charles. He didn't feel right without his sword. Unfortunately he had dropped it back during the outbreak.

"Trust me, the Arcane Sanctum would lift half the town to purge every last one. They are made up of the most talented and powerful mages, and the greatest warriors across the entire kingdom. The chances of a walker being left behind is hardly worth considering." replied Beatrice.

"Charles, I need to tell you something. It's been pressing me for a while." said Beatrice. Her voice was soft and she looked worried.

"What is it?" asked Charles. He took a sip of iced lemon tea. Suddenly Charles felt a warm, delicate hand wrap around his own. A nervous flutter ran across his body.

"I'm afraid our time won't last forever. My father... he accepted Harrison's hand in marriage." she said quietly.

"WHAAT!!!" Charles burst out, spewing tea. "WITH HARRISON?"

"I knew this would happen sooner or later. Even nobility has it's downfalls, and to be honest I was expecting it for a while now." said Beatrice. "There is nothing that can be done, and this is the best course of action for the House of Harkcourt's. My father always told me that the House comes before the individuals."

Charles shook his head in anger. "I'd hate to break it to you, but your father is wrong. The people aren't pawns for the house. The House is for the people, not the other way around."

Beatrice shook her head sadly. She stood up and brushed the grass off her dress.

"A proud champion of justice. As always, you are still my one and only hero. Unfortunately the world isn't just and fair. Sacrifices must be made. Let this be one of the many." she said as she looked into the sky, almost in resignation.

"Out of the four houses, the Harkcourts are always in danger of being overtaken. All four houses have been fighting over Abbotsford, and this opportunity for Abbotsford to become apart of ours wont last. Arranged marriages are only a natural part of the process."

Charles grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. He could never tell what colour it was, sometimes red, sometimes orange. Today they appeared amber yellow.

"Beatrice. Tell me what you want, and screw everyone else. Just tell me honestly what you want. I'll listen to you." he said. She seemed indecisive for a moment, and right when she looked like she wanted to speak, a blood chilling howl interrupted them from the woods.

A silver furred wolf leaped out and lunged straight for Charles. He pushed Beatrice out of the way, sending them both rolling down the hill. The large wolf flew over them in a blur.

"That's a silver fang werewolf!" cried Beatrice as they recovered from the tumble.

"How do we kill it?" asked Charles, still in shock. The werewolf turned around and glared at Charles. It had a canine snout and stood upon it's hind legs.

"Silver! Do we have silver?" she yelled. The  werewolf snarled and lunged again with claws outstretched, ready to shred them to ribbons. 

The loudest bang ripped through the air, and the werewolf suddenly tripped over and whimpered in pain. Beatrice looked surprised and confused. Charles aimed the gun again, ready for another shot if necessary.

"What was that?" asked Beatrice.

"It's a weapon from my world. Loud, dangerous and unblockable." replied Charles. The werewolf continued to whimper in pain. Suddenly it let out several long wolf howls, almost as if it was calling for it's brethren.

"More importantly, why is there a silver fang werewolf here?" asked Beatrice. "We should get back the to castle, it's not safe here anymore."

Charles pulled a blade from his pocket.

"Look away, Beatrice." he said, before walking up to the werewolf and slitting the throat brutally. Charles winced, but forced himself to do what had to be done. The ordeal over the outbreak changed something within him.

He looked back at the woods one last time. 

"Let's go Beatrice. There may be more and my weapon can't handle a large number." he said grimly. The two of them leaped onto their steeds and galloped at full speed back the way they came from. Charles couldn't believe his luck of having a gun with silver bullets.

As they thundered back to the castle on horseback in the darkening path, the howl of several wolves pierced the air. The horses began to panic and run even faster.

"Fuck!" yelled Charles. "I think it's me they're after! That wolf was eyeing me like I'm a steak slice. If worst comes, I need you to flee and I'll hold them back!"

"How could I do that?" Beatrice yelled back. "I can't leave the one thing I want the most!"

"What do you mean?" he cried over the wind. Beatrice rolled her eyes.

"No you dummy! It's you I want the most!"

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