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Charles woke to the sound of distant explosions. The light of dawn streamed through a window. Another loud chain of explosions rocked the building. He picked himself up and looked out the window to see a distant building lifted entirely from it's foundations into the air. It hovered for a moment before being thrown by an invisible force back onto the ground. 

"Charles! You're awake!" exclaimed Cain from the doorway. "Everybody else is still sleeping, and the Arcane Mages are lifting half the town to purge the walkers. I haven't seen Beatrice, you were with her last right?"

"Yeah, she's probably reading a book somewhere." said Charles, remembering how Beatrice loved to read. "What about you? Is your wound -"

Cain lifted his sleeve to reveal darkening on the edges of the wound. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but looked as if it was changing.

"Doesn't hurt a bit, in fact I can't even feel my arm properly. I am glad though. Seeing those in this building safe and sound is more than enough for me, so don't worry about me. Go find Beatrice!" he said with a knowing wink.

"What! There's nothing happening between us!" exclaimed Charles, as he left the room to look for Beatrice whilst blushing. Cain's hearty laughter followed. Charles felt sorry and had so much respect for Cain. More explosions shook the earth. The Mages were clearly going all out with the destruction. Maybe the Necromancer was still at large.

Charles made his way upstairs and found one of the guards groggily getting up.

"Morning soldier, is there a library in this building by any chance?" asked Charles. The guard yawned and nodded, pointing down to the back of the hallway ahead.

He made his way to the library and pushed open the doors. Shelves of scrolls and books met his eyes, with the musty smell of old paper. Beatrice sat perched atop a step ladder at the back with a large dusty book. She looked up and saw Charles and a smile immediately formed on her face.

"You sleep like a baby." she said mockingly. Beatrice shut the book and climbed down the step ladder. 

"HA HA. Hows the princess today?" asked Charles.

"Going good until I saw you!" she replied.


"Except now that you're here, my day just became awesome!" Beatrice finished.

"Gee, you have a way with words." said Charles. 

Beatrice was about to reply when a massive piano flew from nowhere, crashing through the ceiling and into the floors. It almost fell through to the bottom level, but got wedged in the second floor. A massive gaping hole was left in the roof, where a young mage dressed in white robes with gold lining stood in the sky. His wild brown hair and robes fluttered in the wind.

"Sorry about that!" he called as he flew down to the hole. "I had to find a way in, and the front door is infested by walkers. So I made a new entrance."

"Yes, we have windows for your information. So whats the news?" asked Beatrice.

"Well... every block is cleansed except this one. My friends decided to go back first because there was an urgent report of a wild werewolf pack on the loose in the Felwoods. Anyways, my name is Albert." said the mage.

"This is Charles, and call me Beatrice please." replied Beatrice.

"Good to meet you Charles, and Beatrice... Lady Beatrice?" gasped Albert. He immediately knelt and bowed his head.

"The formalities aren't necessary. Lets just finish off the rest of the walkers and get out of here. We have about thirty women and children waiting." said Beatrice.

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