⚫Chapter 19⚫

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After finishing all three packets, my parents left us all alone to talk. "Why aren't you guys at school?" I asked them.

"Because of you. Duh," Blaike replied.

"Oh. Crap! I'm missing class!" I exclaimed. I turned around to leave, but Elias grabbed onto my hand. I turned around to look at him. "What are you doing?"

"You're not going anywhere," Nathan said.

"What? Why not?"

"Well, there are many humans at school, and Marlon isn't quite sure you're able to control yourself... yet." For a brief second, I forgot how this was going to drastically change my life.

"Well, I can learn! I can learn how to control my thirst! It shouldn't be that hard," I replied.

"Well, you would need help from a vampire, and we hate vampires," Lucian stated. "No offence."

Of course. How could I have forgotten? Werewolves hated vampires and vampires hated werewolves. It was going to feel weird being the only vampire living in a house filled with werewolves. It wasn't like I had a vampire friend to talk to. I knew no vampires. And a matter of fact, yesterday was the first time I had ever seen a vampire. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"So how on earth am I going to learn how to live like a vampire?"

"That's the thing. We don't know yet. So, it's best if you just stayed at home until we figure something out. I'm sorry Leilani, but your parents have decided to pull you out of college," Blaike said.


"You'll still get an education, but it'll be through online school," Saphira added. I didn't want to do online school. How was I supposed to do hands-on work like labs?

"I am not doing online school," I argued back. "There is no way."

Saphira walked over towards me. "Girl, it's for the best," she said.

"This is unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

"What's going on?" my mother asked as both her and my father stepped into the living room. "You're pulling me out of college?"

My mother slowly gulped before looking at my father. "Can you guys leave us alone for a second?" my mother asked my friends. I watched as they all exited the room.

"Do you honestly believe that I am the only vampire at our school? Our college has over twenty thousand students! There has to be other vampires out there!"

"But they've been vampires for over two hundred years," my father told me.

"It's still not fair. Am I even allowed to leave the house?"

"You can't leave," my father stated. "Why can't someone show me how to control my thirst? Please father! Let's go visit the vampires!" I suggested.

"That is enough Leilani!" he said raising his voice. I looked at him in complete shock. I couldn't believe it. I exited the living room feeling a flood of emotions hit me at once.

I ran up the stairs with speed feeling my eyes water. As soon as I got into my room, I slammed the door shut behind me and rushed towards my bed.

I immediately burst into tears feeling scared and angry. Why me? Why has my life changed so drastically?

I was now a vampire, and that was going to change everything whether I liked it or not. I suddenly felt someone pick me up and place me in their lap. I wrapped my arms around him and continued crying.

"Shhh, it's going to be ok. We'll figure this thing out together."

LEILANI ***Under Editing***Where stories live. Discover now