⚫ Chapter 34⚫

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E- Do you even know where you're going?

N- Yeah, I feel like we've been walking around in circles.

It was true. It had felt like fifteen minutes as we followed Estevao who claimed he knew exactly where he was going.

J- Ok, maybe I don't know where we are going. Leilani?

I sighed trying to think of what we should do next. "We can't turn back now. We haven't even started this crazy adventure yet," I mumbled underneath my breath. I closed my eyes trying my best to think of what to do. All of a sudden I heard a howl. I opened my eyes to see Milo jumping up and down.

N- Look!

There were at least twenty fairies. Blue and purple. They angelically surrounded us as we stared up at them. Suddenly they began flying like a strand of light through the thick trees.

"Let's just follow them," I said feeling. Perhaps they were leading the way. Like lost puppies, we followed the fairies. As we followed them, I was curious to know if they understood spoke in Latin or in English. Or perhaps they spoke in their own language.

E- Is that the garden of lilies?

I broke away from my thoughts to focus on the direction Gray was looking in. We had finally made it out of the forest. A stream of water decorated with lilies grabbed our attention. The size of the lilies was big enough to fit a wolf.

I noticed the fairies flew over the lilies almost as if they were motioning us to go onto the stream. But how?

N- Do they want us to float on these things?

I wasn't sure what I was doing, but something in me told me to take a leap. I jumped onto the nearest lily and landed. It slowly started moving.

"This is neat!" I exclaimed.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked after turning around to observe the boys. They stood there looking at me strangely.

N- Yeah, there is no way.

"Come on. You won't sink. Trust me."

I watched as Gray jumped onto a lily following me. He looked a bit uneasy, but he didn't fall.

"See you'll be fine," I reassuringly told Nathan's wolf.

Estevao jumped onto a lily leaving Milo still standing there. We were slowly moving away from him. I then leaped from lily to lily until I made it back to land.

"Come on, let's go together."

I watched a bunch of lilies pass us trying to find the perfect one for us both leap on.

"Look, when I count to three we're both going to leap onto that lily right there," I said as I pointed at a big lily floating towards us.

"Ok, one, two, three!"

We both jumped at the exact same time. Milo landed softly, but not me. I almost lost my balance and fell into the water, but luckily I grabbed onto his furry body. I began to laugh realizing how silly my idea was for both of us to leap onto the same lily. I hugged Milo in relief. I then ahead to see Elias' wolf staring at us. He whimpered before turning around.

I let go of Milo slowly and sighed. I hated this. I wasn't even doing it on purpose. Elias couldn't expect me to completely ignore Nathan. He was my best friend.

We continued travelling down the stream. The fish and sea creatures seemed to glow in the dark as they swam underneath us.

J- The water is so cool.

"Yeah, it is beautiful," I sighed feeling completely mesmerized.

N- Where did the fairies go?

I looked around to see that they had vanished.

"Their job is finished. Come on. Let's just keep our eyes open."

We continued travelling for around two minutes on the water until Jasper's voice rang through my head.

J- What's that?

In a distance, we could see something that looked like a hidden pathway. The doorway was made out of vines. There were shiny sparkles of light illuminating from the inside of the tunnel.

N- It kind of reminds me of the portal we went through to get here.

"Yup, I think this is it. Come on, guys. Let's get off of these lilies." One by one we all leaped from lily to lily trying to make it back to land. Once we did, we walked towards the doorway.

"Sebastián said that no one has ever travelled to any of the other domains, but why not? I mean if I lived here and Sebastián told me I wasn't allowed to travel to the other domains, I'm pretty sure I would've gone anyway."

E- Yeah because you're Leilani. The people living here are probably scared to disobey Sebastián. And I think it's only this generation that hasn't travelled to other domains. I'm pretty sure the generations before Sebastián's father have.

Perhaps Elias was right, but why? Sebastián should just man up and explore for himself. What a wimp!

I began to lead the way tracing my hands over the vines. I then spotted golden stones scattered scarcely onto the ground. They were the same stones in the cave back on earth. Suddenly we saw it.

"There it is," I exclaimed with admiration.

It stood tall right in front of us. I stepped forward noticing the selection of domains situated on the right side.

J- So we are going to Regnum Ignis first? Right?

"Yes, we are."

I pressed the fire icon and suddenly the portal whirred to life. "You guys go first." I watched Estevao place a paw into the portal and then his other one. After he disappeared, Milo then followed.

It was just me and Gray left. I motioned for him to go first.

E- No, I'll go last. I want to make sure you go in safely, just in case.

I smiled at Elias' wolf before stepping into the portal.

LEILANI ***Under Editing***Where stories live. Discover now