⚫Chapter 57⚫

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"Is this actually happening right now?" I heard Julian say. I could not believe it. Was there anything else Roman wanted to show us so we could know what exactly we were going up against? "Once I am finished with you, Latum Alterum will be mine!" he yelled as the flames crackled around him. "He talks?" Lucian said in bewilderment. Both Mateo and I jumped off of the cliff to join our domains as we continued looking at the monster in flames.

"How are we going to stop him now?" Saphira asked. We were completely outnumbered. Suddenly, I got an idea. "In order for him to stop, he must take off the bracelet," I mumbled to myself. "But obviously he's not going to, so we're going to have to take it off ourselves."

I stood there looking at Roman's beast trying my hardest to think of a way we can get to that bracelet. But as I looked at him, I realized the bracelet was nowhere to be seen. Was it only on his human form's wrist? Because if it was, all we needed to do was make him shift back.

All of a sudden, Roman did something strange. He began to blow fire at his own army killing each wolf instantly. "What is he doing now?" Indigo asked. I was confused as I watched him kill the remainder of his wolves until there was not a single one standing. All that was left was us. "I no longer need an army of pathetic wolves. I, myself, can kill you all!" he yelled.

"Father! Stop this madness!" I heard Isidora say. I turned around to see her wolf walk towards Roman. She suddenly shifted into her human form. She was not naked but rather clothed. Woah.

"You don't have to do this! Dad please!" she cried out. "My own daughter of all people should be on my side!" he exclaimed. Oleta then stepped forward and shifted into her human form. She was also clothed.

"She's right Roman." This won't end well if you continue to hurt people," she said as she walked past me to Isidora and Roman's wolf. "Oleta?" Roman said sounding shocked. "Roman I beg you! Spare us from your wrath. Take the bracelet off and come home!"

"Home? What home? You two are the only ones I will spare!" He then reached out his hand and grabbed both Isidora and Oleta. I gasped as I watched him pick them up and place them behind him. They were unharmed despite Roman's wolf being engulfed in flames. "Surrender to me now or die!" I stepped forward with my sword and shield. "Never!"

He then breathed fire onto us. All the Alphas' put their forcefield powers around us. It was green, blue, and gray. Roman's fire blew against our protection not harming us in any way.

"We won't be able to hold it much longer," Nephele said.

Tell them to place their paws on top of each other.

"Place your paws on top of each other!" I said after hearing her voice in my head. "Why?" Sebastián asked me. "Just do it!" I yelled.

So, Sebastián placed his paw in the middle of the three Alphas. Adamus followed and placed his paw on top of Sebastián and then Nephele did the same.

I stared at their paws expecting something miraculous to happen. Suddenly, Sebastián's paw began to glow blue, Adamus' red and Nephele's gray. A bright light appeared over their paws. It enveloped around them as they began to rise in the air. The forcefield was broken and Roman had stopped breathing fire onto us to look at what was happening.

We remained on the ground as we all looked up to see the Alphas floating in the air. They began to move in a rapid circle. They were going so fast, no one could even see them anymore but instead just a mixture of the three colours. All of a sudden, a white the light shone so brightly causing me to shield my eyes and look away.

I turned around to see what had happened. Standing right in front of us was a wolf the exact same size of Roman's. It was green, blue, and white as it also stood on its hind legs. They had all molded together into one wolf. "You won't win!" Roman yelled before charging towards the hybrid. I moved backward in astonishment while watching the beasts wrestle each other. It was like I was watching a movie.

The hybrid was extremely strong as it didn't burn when Roman breathed fire onto it. As they wrestled, they, trees fell and the ground was opening up. Everyone else stood there not knowing what to do.

"We should try and chop off his paw," Mateo suggested. "But how?" I asked Mateo.

"I can mind link Sebastián and perhaps the hybrid can get Roman onto the floor. Maybe then you can swiftly cut off his hand." I looked down at my sword then back at Mateo. "Me?" I asked. "Yes!"

I looked down at my sword again to see that it was quite small compared to Roman's hand. I would have to cut his paw for quite a long time in order for it to fall off. "It extends," Mateo said. "It does?"

"Yes, place it on the ground." So, I followed Mateo's instructions and placed my sword on the ground. I then watched him walk over towards it and place his mouth above the handle. A single drop of water escaped from it and fell directly in the middle of the handle. Suddenly the sword grew in size. It was five times bigger than what it was before.

Mateo stepped away from it allowing me to pick it up. As I lifted it off the ground, I swung it back and forth trying to get used to the feeling. I turned around to look at our army.

"Ok listen up. I'm going to chop off both of Roman's hands. What I need you guys to do is help the Alphas and hold him down!" Everyone howled in response. I then turned around to look at Mateo. "Ok, let's do this!" I began to walk forward. Leilani," I heard Elias' voice ring through my head. I turned around to see him and my friends walk towards me. "Please be careful," he pleaded. "I will."

I looked at Nathan's wolf and smiled. "You got this tiger," he said. I turned around and started walking towards the hybrid and Roman. They were still fighting each other.

Suddenly the hybrid gave a huge blow to Roman's wolf causing him to tumble to the ground. The ground shook as he landed. Quickly I began to run with the sword in my hand feeling capable of completing my mission.

I was aware of the wolves rushing past me as they began to blow their element onto Roman's wolf. He howled in pain.

As soon as I got to his left paw, I jumped into the air and sliced it off. He howled in distress. Once it was separated from his body, it returned to its human form. I waited for a couple of seconds soon realizing I cut off the wrong hand. There was no bracelet to be seen.

I looked at Roman to see him trying to get back up. "Keep holding him down!" I yelled before rushing over to the other side.

I took my blade again and chopped off his right hand. I watch his hand separate from his body. As soon as I saw the flash of gold, I rushed towards his hand and slid the bracelet off his wrist

I got up fast and began to run away with it. As I slid it into my pocket, I heard someone yell my name.

I turned around to see an arrow with fire appear from the sky. It was coming straight at me. It all happened so fast; I barely even had the time to process it. Someone had pushed me out of the way as I laid there on the ground in astonishment. What had just happened?

I turned my head to look at the person who did it. It was Elias. His wolf lay there still on the ground with the fiery arrow pierced through its chest. It took me a couple of seconds to actually realize what was going on. I suddenly screamed in panic as I rushed over towards my mate.

LEILANI ***Under Editing***Where stories live. Discover now