Angel learns to Stalk

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Me: hey guys we've got another dare!

Ciel: *sarcasm* oh joy

Angel: ooh this will be fun

Me: alright have fun angel!

Alois: But what's the dare?

Me: oh ya it's from @Mariposareyna

She said: I dare Angel to stalk Sebastian and Claude

Angel: yay *flies off*

Me: so what do we do now?

Ciel: we could watch her

Me: good idea

Max: Whatcha doing?

Me: watching Angel's dare

Max: oh boy....

~~~a few hours later~~~

Angel: Hi I'm back

Fang, Max, Me, Alois, and Ciel: *laughing*

Angel: that was a fun dare hehe

Sebastian: what was fun?

Angel: stalking you and Claude

Claude: *facepalms*

Me: so leave truth or dares for me, Reyna the flock or the black butler characters

Max: what's with him?

Me: dunno

A/N sorry about the short chapter I'm running out of inspiration for this story...

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