Chapter 15

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This amazing picture was drawn by the fabulous StarWolfLegacy ! Thank you again, it's great!!

It's been a few days since Blossom had inspected Misty. She was feeling a little better, but not by much. Her nausea was gone, but the pain in her side and back was still there.

Rascal tended to her like she was a sickly pup. Bringing her water, fixing her bed, treating her well. And she was deeply grateful.

The air was moist. Rain was in the air. Misty watched clouds roll in from the distance. Dark gray clouds hanging low like a vine.

She and Magnus were put on the same post. It was an uncomfortable scout. They didn't talk at all. Well, Magnus ordered Misty to stop shifting and making noise. He nagged her about every little thing: that she wasn't looking where she was supposed to, that she shouldn't move so much otherwise a predator could spot her from afar, that if she wasn't facing the right direction in the wind, it could carry her scent to enemies.

Misty snorted each time.

I'm not in the mood for his "blah blah blah."

Magnus stood straight and tall. His blue eyes were icy and expressionless.

Misty rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She muttered under her breath.

Magnus looked at her as fast as lightning. "You really don't know how to be quiet do you?"

Misty glared at him challengingly. "And I suppose you know how this Pack runs?"

"I'm older than you; wiser. Where I come from, elders are respected greatly. You young wolves—"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Misty interrupted. "I respect my elders. You're not part of this Pack. Nor do I care."

Magnus's face twisted into anger. He smacked Misty across the face. The force knocked her back. Magnus pinned her down and growled in her ear.

"Don't test me, puppy. It's about time you were taught some manners."

Misty squirmed under his strong grip. She was surprised at his steady strength. The hold on her was hard and painful. She could feel frustration rising quickly.

"Let me go!" She snapped at his muzzle. "You should rot in the deepest, coldest, loneliest trench where no one would ever find you!"

Magnus chuckled coldly and shifted his weight to hold her down by the shoulders.

"Your mother is right: you're an ungrateful, spoiled, ignorant, lousy, worthless excuse for a wolf."

Misty's ears flattened, eyes widening. She kicked Magnus in the stomach and took the advantage to run away.

Her paws thrummed against the cold earth. Tears trailed down her face, stinging.

She leaped over fallen trees and crossed small streams. She hadn't realized where she was going until she raised her eyes while stopping.

Misty slumped down beside a creek. Her paws over her eyes, she cried her whole heart out. Pain, self-doubt, shame; all fresh in her mind.

Just when I was beginning to feel like my old self.

She sniffled and wiped her tears. Once her vision was clear, she looked down in the eerie stillness of the water.

Her reflection showed her sad green eyes. With a growl, she slapped the water where her face was mirrored.

She took some deep breaths and calmed down. After a while, she felt better.

Don't let them get to you, Mist.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now