Chapter 20

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Everything was hurting. Pain clouded her vision. Misty could barely move without crying in discomfort. Her body felt like stone, unable to budge from the earth.

She moved her eyes carefully, landing on her bandaged foreleg. Confusion simmered to the surface, the memory caught up with her.

All she remembered was falling, feeling her stomach drop as the ground came closer and faster to her face. Until she felt nothing at all.

She realized she was alone in the medicine den by the scents and sounds. Misty shifted her legs. A grimaced crossed her face. Biting back the pain.

Panting, straining, she drug herself up with shaky muscles. She nervously glanced at her belly.

"What about my pups?" Her voice was raspy. Her eyes stung with tears.

I can't believe I made such a foolish move. And expecting Rascal's pups!

She sighed wearily and lay back down, closing her eyes, praying this was just a nightmare.


Misty found herself in dream world. The

Why is the dream world better than reality?

She walked along the soft spring grass. Stars blinked at her. The breeze was warm with the tiniest scent of summer. The harsh bitterness of Winter was behind her.

The sky was a dark indigo color with beautiful yellow streaks showing where the sun just set.

She glanced at the ground, seeing a trail of large paw prints. Deciding to follow she lowered her nose for any familiar scents.

The trail veered over the grass, deep heavy prints that indicated a big wolf.

Misty trotted along the warm grass. The trail swerved around trees and neat rock formations. Through a stony hollow with little streams singing over the smooth rocks.

It came to a dead end. Misty glanced around in confusion.

A low growl resonated from behind her. She gasped and tilted her head to see a pair of sharp fangs heading toward her throat.


"Ahh!" Misty sat bolt upright and grimaced as a wave of pain shot up her spine.

She groaned and blinked several times to steady her blurring vision. A wound reopened and bled, trickling a line of scarlet down her leg.

"Misty?" The soft voice was Moondancer's. The young gray wolf emerged from the darkness and looked at Misty in concern.

The white wolf cleared her throat. "I'm okay." She shifted her weight to hide the reopened injury. "Just a nightmare."

Moondancer nodded and sat down. "Fever dreams? Do you have an infection?"

Misty quickly answered. "No! It was only a dream. Don't worry."

At that reply, Moondancer snorted. "I'm supposed to worry. That's my job. And you—" She added with a gesture to Misty's stomach. "Shouldn't be climbing trees."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now