Wondrous Crossings - The Light

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Chanyeol watch her sleeping peacefully beside him after another night full of love and lust

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Chanyeol watch her sleeping peacefully beside him after another night full of love and lust.

The sun rays had already peeks from the balcony of her chambers and the soft breeze that's making the chiffon drapes dance along somehow cools off the warmth from inside their sheets provides much comfort on her sleep.

It's another beautiful morning beside her, witnessing a beauty laying beside him was too unexpected from even in his dreams.

She was such a vision.

Chaeyoung laid on her stomach, nude underneath the satin sheets that only covered half of her body. White, milky skin of her bear back expose to the breeze which isn't cold enough to make her shiver.  Her face rest upon the softest pillow where could just stare and watch all day.

Gently, Chanyeol strokes her hair away, too careful not to wake her up. Then, he ran his fingers on her full cheek, making him smile upon the sensation of it's softness.

But his touch was like and spark, waking her from her peaceful sleep.

Rosé slowly flutter her eyes open and saw his handsome face smiling upon her.

She felt happiness, waking up beside the only person she ever loved, the one person for her, the was a match chosen by the deity herself.

The long wait was worth waiting for.

She moves slowly, snuggling towards his chest and he immediately caged her inside his arms.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked, muttering in his deep voice that's resounding loudly even if it's almost whisper.

She nodded gently, feeling the warmth of his chest upon her cheek and hearing his steady heartbeat while he sniffs the sweet scent of her long, silky locks that he continues to stroke behind her nape.

"Sorry..." he apologized in a whisper.

A smirk formed on her lips as she pulls her head up look at him, "Make it up to me..." she replied, whispering as well.

Even in a whisper, what she said wasn't a request, it's an order and in the past couple of days, he knew very well how he should make it up to her.

Rosé is never getting tired, so does Chanyeol. Never was he able to last for so long with anybody in his past... not until her.

May it be morning, noon - when the sun is at it's highest, a hot afternoon where the heat's slowly being dispersed by the cold breeze of the coming twilight, at night when everyone is starting to rest after a long day or even at the wee hours before dawn.

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