Part 4

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Published: Dec. 06, 2018---Edited: Sept.30, 2020

"Where were you, young lady? Your husband has been away, and you let him wait for you to come home for two hours and twenty-five minutes."

Startled to hear Jared's accusing voice, Katelyn, who was closing their bedroom door, almost shouted with the fright of the unexpectedness of his presence at home.

Clutching a bag on her chest, Katelyn turned around to see Jared standing with his back on the door frame of their balcony. Even with only the outside lighting, she can still decipher his arms crossed to his chest.

"Oh! I thought you are not here yet as the lights are still out," Katelyn then reached out on the switch. As far as she knew, every time Mrs. Smith left the house at three in the afternoon, she left open the lights of the hallway and living room.

Upon brightening the room, she saw Jared with his unbuttoned white shirt showing a clear view of his lightly haired muscular chest and brooding eyes.

"So, while I was away, do you always go home at this hour?

"It is the first time that I went home late." Katelyn averted her gaze from his torso as it enticed her to caress it. "Don't tell me that because my hunk of a husband is back, my mind will be full of immorality."

"I was calling you on your cellphone earlier, but it was only ringing. Are you deliberately not answering my calls?

'Of course not, I just left it...

"You had seen me earlier, at least even if we are married in name only be at home every time I came from a business trip."

Upon hearing his aggrieved voice, Katelyn lie, "It just happened that Tess and I had already agreed to go to the mall tonight before I know you came back." Katelyn doesn't want to offend Jared in his annoyed state that she intentionally went home late. Besides, she cannot tell him the truth, thoughts of him being back, filled her with a dread of being disappointed by not seeing him at home, or the guilt of separating him from his lover. She knew it was wrong of her to lie, but it's for the best.

She remembered how Charlize wrapped herself around him earlier, showing that she has no intention of letting him out of her side, and his consenting to her action proved that he was reciprocating her sentiments. She cannot have high hopes as his Grandma told her that if she persists, in the end, he will fall for her.

Moreover, from the very beginning, he had already made it clear that their marriage was to appease Meme and last for two years. Katelyn then reminded herself she must see it fulfilled for her good, and besides, she has never run after a man.

Meanwhile, Jared looked at her left hand empty of anything that would betray her shopping spree.

"I gave you a card, why you did not buy anything?" As far as Jared knew, when you left a woman inside a shopping mall, she will only walk out of it once she was exhausted from fitting and buying every item that she wanted as most of his girlfriends were.

Considering that his wife was born in a privileged family was only impoverished and had a mother who had influenced her to an expensive taste, she surely missed all those things. Surprisingly his wife, who has his unlimited card at her disposal, went home without a single purchase, proving him wrong of his assumption.

"I did not buy anything as I don't see something that catches my attention, besides I still have bags and shoes." She told him, but her eyes were still staring at his lightly haired muscular chest.

"She wondered why he still looks so cute even if he looked pest off. His perfectly formed body only added to his handsomeness, but it's a pity. He is only a husband in name, or else she will fell those arms hugging her." She thought and then recalled that her indulging in fantasies should stop.

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