Part 15

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Published: July 21, 2019----Sept. 30, 2020

On her usual pajama outfit, Katelyn lies on her bed, thinking if Jared will grant her request. She had reminded Jared earlier after their dinner about her transfer's postponement, and his only reply was," Let me think about it, I will tell you later on."

She was not so sure if Jared is deliberately trying to divert her attention, so she will not mention it again or playful. It is because he went to his study room as soon as they had finished eating. With nothing to do, she decided to prepare herself to sleep. But as soon as she was in bed, Jared came inside their room and went straight to the bathroom.

He passes in front of her like a bait to entice the predator to attack him. Of course, she will resist the temptation to ask again. She had already said her opinion, so wait, she will do. At least there was no memo given to Mrs. Johnson the whole day. So she decided to catch her sleep.

It seems like it was only a few minutes that he passed by, and already she felt him sat down on the bed, awakening her. Her wakeful state made her decide to try her luck again to ask for his answer, so once her problem is solved, it can calm her mind to have a restful night.

She got up and then turned to face him to voice out her request, but to her surprise, he pulled her hand, put it on where his heart is and then looked in her eyes" Can you hear my heart beating and shouting out that it needed you near me all the time Tori?"

She looked at him, eyes wide and then lowered her eyes as the intensity of his gaze felts like it's on fire that can melt even the hardest stone and what she was going to inquire was forgotten but instead all she can ask," Where did you learn to be so cheesy?"

He pulled her chin to look at him and then answered." On those weekends, we do nothing but watch all those romantic films you like," she slapped his chest and then turned her back on him.

"So, that was the reason that you sat down with me diligently," she thought out loud and then she remembered what he was doing all those time and turned to face him," but you were busy with your computer while you sat down."

"With all your giggling, do you think I will not be curious what made you forget that you're supposed to act like a lady in front of your husband?" he told her with a smile that reaches his eyes.

His smiling face made her point her fingertip on his chest. "Are you deliberately playing with me?" She asked out more of curiosity than an accusation.

"What do you think?"

"Jared!" she called his name in irritation," I am not kidding, can you please change your mind and not let me work with you?"

Then he bends down his head and whispers on her ear." Be wise; you have the power to convince me in everything, so do it."

With knitted brows, she clarified. "What do you mean?"

Then she saw Jared's eyes on her lips, and that gave her an idea of what he wanted, her left hand took a pillow and threw it in his face. A chuckle was heard from him while he tried to protect his face with his hands. He then caught her as she tried to run away from him, then slump her on their bed, with his body imprisoning her.

"Jared, get off me, you're so heavy," she complained while trying to push him away from her, but her strength was no match on him.

"I like where I am now," he told her while touching her face and tucking some hair on her ear.

Being close to him is what Katelyn most afraid of, as the slightest touch of his skin, can already make her nerve endings rampantly send signals to her weak brain. In return, it will send back wayward responses to all parts of her body, making her uncontrollable.

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