Part 6

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Published: April 07, 2019--Jan. 02, 2020

Katelyn was happy to awake earlier than her alarm clock as she was able to use the bathroom first as well as did not disturb Jared's much-needed sleep. She hopes he will still be in his dreamless world when she finished.

Though she was always the last one to wake up and take a bath in the mornings, today was different. She wanted to be earlier than her "roommate" because arriving at work in his car and be caught by her colleagues were not on her plans.

She can already imagine how all the haters and envious eyes will surround her until she looks like a trapped rat that can't escape their perusal.

Of course, she doesn't know his reason to suggest it, but one thing for sure. She will do her utmost not to pay the price of breaching their contract. As far as she can remember, they agreed that she must always make sure that their relationship will remain a secret to the public. It was the reason he had consented to Meme's opinion regarding marrying her.

So, it was a surprise for her that he even suggested it. Maybe he just wanted to save on monetary expenditure on her as she was not the real deal wife. On the other hand, he also gave her an expensive gift. In which she is going to use a watch of Cartier in white gold. Gemstones decorate the whole dial of the timer, and the timepiece is in blue. She is sure this is an expensive one, and she hopes her friends will not notice it much. Anyway, she can always lie.

As Katelyn walked out of the bedroom, she realized something. It can also be that Jared regretted consenting to Meme's suggestion of marrying her, and by going to work with her, there will be a time that someone will notice it and will talk about it, resulting on her breaking the rules. He then has a reason to divorce her without Meme complaining. "Probably, that was his reason."

Upon seeing the empty bed, Katelyn was a bit sad about the knowledge that her time in this place was getting shorter. At the same time, she is afraid of the consequences of unfulfilled commitment. She walked to their bedside table to put her bag and then remove the pillows thrown on the floor.

While flipping the pillow, Katelyn heard the sliding of the terrace door, and then footsteps going on her direction. She felt Jared nearness but continue with what she was doing. At the same time, summoning some strength so she can directly tell him of her refusal to go to work with him.

Upon knowing her readiness, she arranged the pillows properly on the bed. Straightening herself, she turned around only to see Jared's back on her, walking to the direction of their bathroom.

Left with her mouth open, she immediately closed it and shrugs. She heard the door open, "Let us eat breakfast together once I finished in the bathroom," Jared told her without turning his head and then entered and closed it.

She blew out some air in annoyance on his action at the same time her reactions to him that made her ponder, "it seem like with his back on her, he looks so intimidating that she lost her courage to say what she wanted to be said. She was not a chicken; it was because of his sexy back she forgot whatever there is to say," she reasoned out to herself.

Now she was left with the same problem, how to tell him that she has no plan of arriving at work in his car. Maybe she can escape as she initially thought of earlier, but then she still needs to eat her breakfast. A free breakfast means a penny saved, and she needed to do that. Shaking her head of her useless ideas, she walked to the other side of the bed and did arrange the pillows and mattress.

Once all was done and properly in place, she grabbed her bag in the table, walked to the dining area to make him a coffee, and wait.

In the end, Katelyn was not able to say anything to Jared. Once they had finished their breakfast, she just followed him to the car. She felt defeated, but upon seeing Mr. Miller, or Mark, as called by his boss, sitting beside the driver seat, Katelyn concern ebb.

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