Part 20

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Published: Aug. 20, 2020----Sept. 30, 2020

Katelyn is sipping her tea while sitting in the parlor room in the Steele Mansion with Jared's Grandmother, who looked at her as if something in her mind that needs clarification. But before she can even gulp the liquid in her mouth, Meme blurted out what bothered her.

"Darling, what is this I heard from Mrs. Smith that the two of you treat each other like strangers inside the house?"

So this is the reason for Meme's restlessness; she can't wait to ask her the authenticity of Mrs. Smith's reports.

"Oh truly, Mrs. Smith loyalties are with Meme." She murmured to herself while putting down her cup on the side table and then answered.

"Maybe she just misunderstood us, Meme. There are times that when we are in a hurry to leave, and if I am in the bathroom instead of waiting in the bed, Jared will eat his breakfast first, then vice versa." She tried to explain and hope that her excuse will be accepted.

Ever since that night that she had lied to Jared about her feelings towards him, it has been two weeks that they avoided each other. Those happy days that they had seems nothing but were illusions.

Gone was the man who teased and made her felt those unwanted emotions. The one left behind is the person she was afraid of, the cold-hearted and arrogant Jared.

Though they still share the same bed because of his body's indent beside her, she saw every morning, but aside from that, they acted like strangers.

Even if she still went to work together with him, she always left their office on time while he and Mark were still working.

If they need an assistant, Michelle was always requested to do overtime, and a driver will drop her home. They don't even spend their weekend together like before. She goes to Meme alone while he travels out of the States.

Sometimes she feels that he was doing it intentionally to avoid her.

The touch of the hands as it holds hers made Katelyn realized that she is still with Meme.

"You were distant just now," she informs her while touching her hands for comfort. "Don't try to cover up my grandson's attitude. I brought him up, so I know him very well."

Meme's words almost made her open up about the actual situation, but she doesn't want to burden the older woman of their problem, so she told her, "Meme, everything is normal, there is nothing to worry about."

She smiled at her Grandmother, but it seemed that she had not convinced the latter as she was asked," are you sure that no other woman is involved in this?"

Her question startled Katelyn and left her speechless. As if Meme understand that she was trying to hide something, she enveloped her warm embrace.

To be hugged in her vulnerable moment brought back memories of her Grandmother. When her mother reprimanded her because she displayed unlikable behavior according to her standard, her grandma would reassure her that she was doing all right.

Meme's hands wipe her face after the hug made Katelyn realized that tears had come out from her eyes.

"I am sorry, Meme, being close to you always brought back memories of Grandma Amelia, and it made me sad." She lied while taking a tissue on the side table and then dry her eyes and face with it.

"Darling, don't hide anything from me, okay? As I had told you before, treat me like Amelia."

Katelyn nodded to her request.

"So tell me, is it because of Charlize?" As if the older woman only waiting for her affirmation before asking that question to be sure of her honest answer.

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