Part 22

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Published: Nov. 19, 2019---Sept. 30, 2020

He missed this woman in his arms; if she knows how his heart aches to be near her this past week without interaction, she will indeed be surprised.

He thought that his estrangement from her would help her realize her feelings towards him, but he was wrong. For it was him who had found out that for her, everything was just normal. She didn't even think that his pride was already trampled by her telling him of her real feelings.

Women just come into his life; he doesn't need to court them with flowers or sweet words. But it seems to her, he is nothing but just easily forgotten. Her behavior these past weeks speaks volumes.

If he doesn't initiate the conversation, she will never talk to him.

He went to some business trip lonely as he wanted to spend time with her, and he comes back home tired only to see her looking happy not because of him but of her spending time with Meme. Frustration in her made him lashed out on anyone that made a minor mistake.

He felt isolated from the two important women in his life, his Meme, and his wife. He started to tell himself that his stubbornness will get him nowhere, especially to his wife's heart. It will only alienate her further from him.

The only consolation is that his wife still has no idea that he is already a slave to her heart.

He will dance to any song that she wanted as long as she is the partner and even become a poet to compose poems that only praise her beauty.

She looked at him now feels like he had a glimpse of the sun after a long time of being inside a dark cave that all he can hear was his breathing. So this is what everyone in love feels after days of torment.

He has never been like this before, acting crazy over a woman who never loves him. Just a small glimpse of hope is already enough to give him courage and go forward in achieving her love.

The knock on the door made his wife panic as she struggled to be free from his embrace, but instead of freeing her, he tightened his hold, knowing it is only Mark.

His PA has a distinct way of knocking that only he knows, so he let him in.

He heard the door open and close, but he spares no glance on it to make sure who come in but rather hold his wife chin to raise her head." You can go out with your friends, have dinner with them but expect me to call you later on so we can go home together."

She looks at him with puzzled eyes but without asking or contradiction, she nods her agreement.

As much as he likes her being in his arms, he told himself to have the self-control to step forward one at a time. This time his aim is to woe his wife as he had never done to any woman relentlessly.

He loosened his hold on her; she turned around and walked towards the door without looking back.

When she was out of the room, he walked to the waiting Mark whose busy looking at the folder in his hands.

"Mark, call the security agency and tell them to have permanent securities for Mrs. Steele. Make sure it will be the same people and remind them that as usual, they should keep their distance unless necessary."

After he told his PA, Jared took the folder his PA handed to him. He opens it and then read while sitting on the couch.

On the other hand, confusion reigns in Katelyn's mind as she sits down on her table. She thought that Jared seems odd. She cannot pinpoint it, but she is sure of it. He looked at her tenderly earlier as if she is his most cherished person.

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