A Poem: Sleep

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Falling, drifting, fainting, slipping,
Floating, swimming, flying, fluttering,
Sliding, crawling, or sinking asleep

Resting but moving forward
Reaching another realm somehow
Higher or lower to another plane

To the void, dreamland, or duat
Wherever, whatever it is
Gone to somewhere, something, some other

Peaceful, fitful, fearful, quickly, slowly
Fallen or taken away
Once there, now here, now gone

Easy or hard, an hour or a minute
Eventually arriving one way or another
Nothing is the same here
Rules are different

Running, flying, escaping, dying
Swimming, playing, fighting, skating
Drifting through scenes and stories
Through Enchanted Forest and concrete jungle

Never can decide 'till it's too late
And you must awake
Where to be
What to do
Who you are
When to lose
The time arrives
The sun shines
And the day begins
As the night dies
Shadows hide
Body lies
On thin sheets
Break the last ties
Life begins
As dreams die
Awake attends
As sleep cries

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