Celebrity (p.1)

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Mitch has never really cared about celebrities. He was always too busy in his mind, taking care of his son while also working six nights a week. He didn't have enough time to catch up on the gossip about all the celebrities. His son, Leo, was only three years old. He had been adopted by Mitch and his then-boyfriend, Travis. Leo was only a couple months old when he was adopted and he looked exactly like Mitch.  Travis had been cheating on Mitch before Leo was adopted, and when he was two, Travis left all of a sudden. Mitch never tried to get back into contact with Travis when he found the diary Travis had left behind. The diary was filled with information from the two years that Leo had been with them. It had everything that Travis had done behind Mitch's back in full detail. Since then, Mitch hasn't tried to start a relationship with anyone, only having drunk hookups with random men that took advantage of him.

Mitch never thought he would be in the position of going to work every single day, while his son stayed and played at Kirstie's house. He never thought that he would end up being the only source of income for Leo, he thought that he would have Travis with him. He never thought that his son would be growing up in the small two-bedroom apartment that they owned. The apartment was much too small for the two of them, only with a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. One bedroom wasn't big enough to fit a double bed, so Mitch gave Leo the room, trying his hardest to give his son the most normal life that he could. He always thought that Leo would grow up in a big family home, filled with toys for him to play with and a big bedroom for him to own by himself. But no, Mitch's life was far from the perfect life he thought he would have. Instead, he was stuck working himself to the breaking point every day working two jobs, while trying to take care of his three-year-old son at the same time.

Mitch's life started great and ended up horrible. He should've listened to his best friends in the first place. Before Scott moved to LA, he told Mitch to reconsider his 'perfect' relationship with Travis.  Scott had never believed Mitch when he said that Travis was good for him, he always just rolled his eyes and responded with a "yeah right". Scott and Mitch still haven't talked since Scott moved to LA to go to a music college. Scott was insanely talented, so when Mitch found out that Scott had become famous, he immediately believed it. Scott's voice was like none other. His deep, sultry voice gave Mitch the chills when he was a teenager, so Mitch can't even imagine it now. Mitch isn't even sure whether Scott still remembers him. Scott must have new friends, friends without children, or friends with enough money to pay for their house every time. Mitch misses Scott, but he knows that unless Scott found him himself, Mitch wouldn't be able to see him again. Mitch hopes that Scott remembers him, and hopes that he can see him again.


Scott's a celebrity. A celebrity with millions of loving fans. To all of his fans, his life is perfect. With a house that overlooked the Hollywood sign and a loving family that visited him often, his life seemed perfect. His fans don't know how much he hates it though. He hates the isolating house, he hates how he rarely leaves LA, and he hates the controlling company that signed him. He wishes he could get his life back. He wishes he could get that little amount of control on his own life that he used to have. He used to be able to get drunk at any club he wanted to, without getting stopped by a fan.  He used to be able to go to the local supermarket and buy some milk and bread without paparazzi stopping him for a quick interview.  Now he is always recognised wherever he is.

While Scott hates his life now, he still loves some of the aspects. He loves touring and hanging out with all of his friends. But having new friends means you lose your old friends. Scott misses his old friends, Kirstie and Mitch. They meant the world to him. He wanted to spend every second of every minute with them. But once he moved to LA, he stopped communicating with them. He misses the two who made his teenage years the best years of his life. He misses the laughs they shared during the weekly sleepovers they had. He misses the fun in choir class when they sat in the back and changed the lyrics to completely inappropriate sentences. He always got in trouble, but to Scott, it was worth seeing the smiles on Mitch and Kirstie's faces. He misses the afternoons they spent together after school when they would arrange songs into acapella. It didn't work very well, due to only having three people, but it was still fun.

It was their dream to be in an acapella band, but when they got the opportunity, too many other things came up and it didn't work out. Scott was the only one able to go to LA for college, and he hasn't had contact with Mitch and Kirstie since he left. He wonders what they were doing now. Surely Mitch had found a new boyfriend, someone that wasn't Travis. Scott hated Travis, he never thought that he would treat Mitch right and he knew that Travis was using Mitch. Kirstie would probably be living in a big house filled with millions of dogs. She probably had a loving boyfriend, who treated her right and gave her the love and attention she always wanted. They probably had better lives than Scott, but they probably thought that he had a better life than them.


Mitch hopped off the bus that linked from his work to near his apartment. It was cold and snowy, making the usual five minute trip to his apartment, a long, fifteen minutes. He opened the door, taking in the little amount of heat that was stored in the small space. A high-pitched scream was heard before the weight of a three-year-old clung to Mitch's legs. Mitch fell back a little, not expected his son to almost knock him over. He pulled Leo up, bringing him into his arms and giving him a large smile. Leo cuddled up to him, making Mitch's heart burst. Mitch walks into the kitchen, placing his son down on the counter and looking around quickly to find Kirstie. She walks out of Leo's room with a huge smile on her face, her phone in her hand.

"You won't believe what just happened."

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