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One of Ariels treasures destroyed by her father.
Another treasure.
The statue of Prince Eric, gone.

Ariel continued to replay the scene in her head as she swam around the empty cave, trying to save anything she could. Unfortunately, nothing could be spared. Flounder and Sebastian watched on sadly, as Ariel swam aimlessly around her cave. She would catch a small glimpse of something and swim over excitedly, only to be met by a bit of broken dinglehopper, or a small piece of Erics statue.

A sudden darkness came upon the cave. The three friends looked up curiously to see two eels swimming through the small hole at the top of the cave. They spoke to Ariel, and she perked up, just a little though. Sebastian and flounder couldn't hear what was going on but were immediately paying attention once Ariel started swimming after the eels. Flounder followed cautiously and curiously as to see where his friend was going. Sebastian followed because he swore that he would protect the kings youngest daughter.

Ariel swam for what felt like an eternity until she finally came to the deepest cave in all of the oceans. Ursulas cave. She didn't want to go in at all, but the eels persuaded her to, claiming that she would be able to help her "poor unfortunate soul". She hesitantly agreed and swam into the dank cave. She looked down to see little dead looking plants with faces. She was extremely creeped out by them and worse still one grabbed her arm! She screamed and pulled and eventually pulled her arm out of the things grasp, ripping her skin as she did so. She quickly followed the cackling eels into the lair of the sea witch.

At first all Ariel saw was potions lined up everywhere, a small dressing table on one side of the cave and a huge bubbling cauldron in the middle, then she saw something huge and black in the corner of her eye. She looked quickly and saw gigantic black tentacles coming from a small opening. After the endless seeming tentacles followed a fat black and dark purple torso and breasts the size of Jupiter! Then came the almost purple chest, arms and face, of the sea witch and then the bleach white hair.

Ariel cringed slightly at the presence in front of her. The eels swam to Ursula and wrapped themselves around her tentacles, weaving in and out, round and round. They did this so much that it made Ariel dizzy, and she fell back into a huge shelf of potions. A few shook, others fell onto Ariels outstretched arm. First a blue one, which turned her arm into a fishtail. Then a red, which turned her arm bright orange. Then a pink that erased her whole arm! She screamed in fright, but was soon cut off by one of the eels wrapping itself around her mouth and nose. She struggled against it but it was no use. The force the eels was using pulled her back towards Ursula, who was waiting patiently for Ariel to tell her why she was in her lair.

The eel brought her down and sat her I front of the sea witch. She trembled as Ursula advanced slowly. Too slowly and calmly for Ariels fidgety state.

"What is the youngest daughter of king Triton doing here?" She questioned calmly. Ariel gulped.

"Y-you can help me." She stuttered.


"By giving me legs. I'm in love with a human. I know it is forbidden, but I can't help who, or what I love!" She exclaimed.

"I can make you a potion to give you legs. If you give me something in return." She bargained.

"Oh, yes! Yes anything!" Ariel gushed falling to a begging position in front of Ursula.

"Your voice."

"M-my voice? Why?"

"Your voice."

"You didn't answer my question." Ariel said annoyed.

"Do you want legs or not?"

"Yes of course, but...-"

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