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Y/N: (Pushing him) Jungkook!!

Jungkook took a couple of steps back to keep his balance. Both of you were breathing heavily after that make out session.

Y/N: (Panting, looking at the ground) Why? Why?? Why did you do that Jungkook???

JK: Because I love you.

You looked at him. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes. Even your eyes started to pool up with tears. You shook your head repeatedly denying it.

JK: Yes I do! I love you more than anything in this world!!

Y/N: (Shaking the head) No.

Though you wanted to shout out that word, it only came out as a mumble.

JK: (Going down on his knees. His voice was so low. He was crying while talking to you) I love you Y/N, I love you. You are my everything.

You kept looking at him in shock. Hd wasn't looking at you so he didn't see you crying.

JK: I never stopped loving you. I don't know why you broke up with me but I swear I'm not letting you walk out if my life that easily. (Talks in a determined tone)? I don't mind if you stopped loving me. I don't mind if you love Jimin. But I promise I'm gonna make you love me again. I'm gonna make you mine Y/N.

Y/N: (After a couple of minutes silence) You don't have to.

Jungkook lifted his head to look at you. That's when he saw tears streaming down your cheeks.

JK: (Standing up) Y/N?

Y/N: You don't have to do anything. I never stopped loving you. It's true that I wanted to forget you so badly but I couldn't. I... I...

You couldn't talk anymore. The more you wanted to talk the more the memories hurt.

Y/N: (Crying heavily)/I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Jungkook walked over to you and without saying anything he pulled you to his embrace.

JK: Ssshhh... it's ok.

You hugged him as tight as possible. You two stayed like that for a few minutes before you broke the hug.

Y/N: I'm sorry Jungkook, for everything.

JK: (Shaking his head) But, why did you leave me?

Y/N: (Wiping the tears) I didn't want to but had no other option too.

JK: What- what do you mean?

Y/N: It's- it's nothing. Forget it.

JK: (Holding you by your shoulders) No Y/N. If you really love me, then tell me, why did you leave?

Y/N: (Taking a deep breath) Your... your dad made me do so.

JK: Dad?? I- I don't understand.

Y/N: One day he came to my house and... and... l- low talked about me.

JK: (Narrowing his eyes) What did he say?

Y/N: (Shaking your head) No- nothing. It's just... just let it go. I don't want to create any problems between you and your dad.

JK: Me and my father never had a good relationship. So tell me, what did he tell you?

Y/N: Jungkook~

JK: Tell me Y/N.

Y/N: (Sighing) He told that I'm going behind you only because of your money and fame. He...

JK: Go on.

Y/N: He regarded me as a girl who's going behind rich people. He... he compared me to a w- whore. Your dad threatened my family. He saud if I don't break up with you, he'll make my family suffer. I... I don't mind of what he said about me because I know I really loved you, not your money or fame. I truly love you but I couldn't put my family in danger. They are going through so much of things right now and even then they had enough problems to deal with. I couldn't put them in danger on behalf of me~ so... so breaking up was the only option I had.

JK: (Hugging you) I'm sorry to hear that Y/N. And I promise, I won't let anything happen to you or your family.

Y/N: But I'm scared Jungkook.

JK: Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. And if you are there with me, I even can fight against the entire world.

Y/N: (Smiling) Jungkook~ (Hugging him) I love you.

JK: (Placing a kiss on the crown of your head) I love you too. (Breaking the hug) So... what are we going to say to Jimin hyung?

Y/N: You don't have to worry about it.

JK: Why?

Y/N: Because we never were a couple at the first place.

JK: What??!!!!

          TO BE CONTINUED......

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