Chapter 6

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Skylar was glad when English was done. She had felt too awkward around Karly. She had gone back to her seat and took out her phone. Reign didn't come back, and she was glad.

She went outside and was relieved to see Lola waving at her. She walked up to her. "Why do you look so down?" Lola asked.

"Long story," as she made her way to the cafeteria. When they had gotten their food and sat by their usual spot. She went into detail as to what had happened in English. Lola was paying attention making sure she didn't miss anything.

Lola's eyes were huge when she finished the story. "I told you that Karly is psycho. Something about her puts me way off besides the mean girl vibes."

Skylar fumbled with her food. "I met this guy named Tyler and he told me about some party this Friday."
Lola's eyes widened in excitement. "That's what I wanted to tell you about last night, but it seemed as if you had a long day. Jessie is hosting it. So, it would be cool."

"I'm guessing you are going?"

"What? You have to come with me, Skylar."

Skylar tilted her head. "No, I don't want to. Parties are not my scene okay."

The excitement was gone from Lola's face "Then I can't go if you are no going."

She looked at her friend. "Why not. I am not stopping you but by all means, go and have fun."

"I won't have any friends if you don't come," Lola said.

Skylar started to feel a bit sad for her. "Fine I will come but I am not staying for long."
Lola squealed. "Thank you! You won't regret it. I promise. We have to go and buy outfits."

She smiled at her "Why not." Even though she wasn't a big fan of shopping, Skylar could see that her friend was excited, so she didn't want to ruin her mood just because hers got ruined by Karly.

"When should we go?" Lola asked.

She thought about it for a second. "Thursday after school."

"Okay, that's perfect," Lola replied.

Skylar was making plans as if she was already going. She still had to ask her mom for permission. The break finished, and they headed to maths.

The class was full today and she realized why. She saw Reign, Jessie, Karly and two other girls who weren't there. She quickly averted their gazes and went to sit down next to Lola. She took out her textbook.

Lola whispered in her ear. "Talk about awkward"

Skylar whispered back. "I know right."

A figure came and stood in front of them and it was Jessie. Lola looked excited that he was at their table.

"Skylar, you didn't answer if you were coming to the party or not?"

"We are coming," Lola answered eagerly.

"Cool, should I come to fetch you?" he asked.

Skylar declined his offer before Lola could accept it. "No thanks we can make it on our own."

He grinned at her, "Do you at least know where I live?"
Lola laughed. "No, we don't."

Jessie pulled out his phone and he handed it to her, so she could put her numbers in. She hesitantly did. When she was done, she handed back the phone.

He looked pleased. "I will text you the directions to my house."

She looked at him, "What time does the party start?"

"You can come at whatever time you want." He said. She saw that he was being serious. Before he could ask another question two girls came over. They were sitting with Karly. Skylar had already guessed who they were.

"Jessie what is taking you so long" it seemed as if they wanted to show her that he belonged to them.

Jessie looks at them in annoyance. "I was talking to them as you can see."

They finally make eye contact with her. They acknowledge her presence. "You must be the new girl," the one with a short bob says. The other one with shoulder-length hair just glares at them.

"I'm Vivian." as she carries on.

"I'm Beth." the other one pipes in.

She looks at them both. "I'm Skylar. Nice to meet you."

"We have heard about you," Beth replies.

Skylar didn't want to know what they had said about her because the way Beth had said it, didn't seem pleasant. It was more of a mocking tone.

She is relieved when the teacher arrives, and they disperse from her table. Before Jessie leaves, he says "I will text you later." She just nods.

Math is very long, and she works fast so that she doesn't have much homework or studying to do if she had to go to the party on Friday. She doesn't look at the back even once she felt as if she would meet deathly eyes.

She knew that Karly, Beth, and Vivian would be gossiping about her. Not that they hadn't already started. It seems as if Karly had reported to her minions about her. She couldn't lose focus on her work, so she put it at the back of her mind. She would think about it later when she got home.

Skylar was glad when the day was over. She and Lola started making their way home. "I can't believe Jessie came and spoke to us," Lola squealed in excitement. "I mean he came over and told us about the party himself and even offered to fetch us and I can't believe you declined!"

She didn't see the big deal of being fetched or going by themselves they would eventually get there one way the other. "Well, it's done. I already refused."

Lola's smile turned mischievous, "You could tell him that you rethought about the offer and that he can fetch us."

"But Skylar. Please."

"No Lola. I am already going as it is."

"Fine" Lola gave in. "We are going to have so much fun."

"We are" Skylar agreed even though she didn't feel any confidence with her own words at all.

Lola hugged her bye when they got to her house. She carried on to her house when she got into her room, she dropped her bag on the floor, took off her shoes and jumped on her bed. She would now relax.

A/N: Hey guys please consider voting and commenting. Thank you to those who give feedback it means a lot to me Xxx

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