Chapter 19

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Skylar changed into her gym clothes and she waited for Lola to finish changing. When Lola was done, they headed onto the sports center. Most of the other students were already there.

"No, you got to be kidding me!"
"What?" Lola replied.

"You are telling me that Karly, her minions and Reign, and Jessie are in our gym class."

"They weren't here last time. Just ignore them." Lola grinned.

They went and sat down. The coach finally arrived, and the voices toned down.

"I see we are all here with our gym clothes."

"Yes Sir!" voices from the back answered loudly.

"Before we start, all the boys go to the starting line, don't think I forgot about your ten laps."

They were loud groans that came from the back,

"Hurry boys, we don't have all day and today we need to do some sport."

All the boys went down, and they started to run when the whistle blew.

"Go, babe!" Karly screamed.

After what seemed to be an eternity they finally finished, with Reign and Jessi coming in last. They didn't bother running much, they were walking the majority of the time.

"Reign and Jessie, you can do better than that." The coach yelled.

When the boys had caught their breath,

"Okay. Jessie and Reign since you two were last to come down."

Reign and Jessie walked down and stood in the front.

"You two are going to be in opposing teams for dodge ball. You can select team members one by one."

Reign and Jessie nodded.

"You may begin boys."
Reign and Jessie must have had a miscommunication because they spoke at the same time,

"Sky..." they both stopped when they realized they had spoken at the same time.

Skylar wanted the ground to swallow her, why did they have to both call out her name. Everyone was now quiet.

"Skylar." Jessie carried on.

Skylar got up and stood by Jessie's side.

Reign rolled his eyes, "Ted."
They called up names from until everyone was chosen, Skylar didn't miss the fire in Karly's eyes when Reign had picked her close to last.

Skylar looked at the other side and she saw Lola making a, "I will slit your throat sign." Skylar laughed.

She mouthed, "Bring it on."

Lola laughed before they started both sides had a team meeting.

"Okay game plan," Jessie said,

He gave the usual team talk.

Everyone agreed,
"Okay, team!"


Skylar went and stood at the far end of their side. Jessie came and stood next to her,

"Are you ready?" said Jessie.


The other team went to their side.

"Okay, when I blow the whistle you may begin."

The whistle blew and they ran fast to the middle to grab some balls and they threw them, hitting a few and some of their team members were hit. They ran back to the far end.

Skylar was dodging and catching balls to throw.

"I know this is a bad time."

Skylar turned to Jessie, "Huh?"

"I need to ask you something."

Skylar dodged a ball, "Make it quick."

"I wanted to ask you on a date."

"A date?"

"Yes, Skylar Gray would you do me the honor of taking you out on a date?"

Skylar wanted to think about it.

"Don't think about it, just say yes." Said Jessie.


A blow landed on her stomach, and she looked up and saw that it was Reign who had hit her. He looked a bit upset or was she imagining it.

Skylar walked off, most of her teammates were there but Reign was finishing them off one by one. The whistle blew when their team lost. She was at a loss of words because they were taken out by one person.

Lola came to her when they were walking out of the sports center.

"Oh my gosh, did you see that Reign and Jessie called your name at the same time."

"How could I have missed that, Lola."
"That was some classic entertainment."

"Well, I'm sure for you it was."

"Not only me but everyone. Did you see Karly's face?"

"No why?"

"Skylar, it was to die for. If only I had taken a picture and captured the perfect moment."

"That wasn't my fault."

"It wasn't and she can't blame you for her boyfriend's actions. If she wants another confrontation, then she should go to Reign, not you."


"Wait aren't you going to see her soon for the English assignment?"

"No, Karly sent a message earlier saying that they couldn't make it today and I am beat after all this. So, it's a win-win situation. I have no energy to face her now."

"What were you and Jessie talking about?" Lola said.

"How do you know we were talking?"

"Well, I got hit because I was watching you two."
"He asked me out."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes."

"No, way!"
"Yeah, we will discuss the details over the phone."
"Is it a good idea though?"

"What do you mean, Lola?"

"Well when Reign saw you two talking, it's like he lost it a bit."

"I don't think so."

"Trust me, Skylar, I was watching most of it."

"He doesn't have a right to be, he has a girlfriend and secondly I'm sure he and Jessie will talk it out."

"Enough about that then, let's go get you an outfit."

Skylar and Lola made their way home. She had decided to get an outfit when Jessie set the date. She promised Lola that she would tell her everything and they would outfit hunt together.

She got home and immediately went to lay down, she was tired from the gym session. She looked at her phone but there was no message.

She knew that she would like Jessie because she had wanted to be with him, yet that night at the party had turned out to be a disaster because she had kissed Reign.

This time she couldn't afford such mistakes, she would see how it goes with Jessie.

Her thoughts went to Reign. Would he be upset if she went on a date with Jessie? What did it matter? He had a girlfriend and he had to stop being selfish.

She would have to try to give her best to Jessie and forget about Reign.

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