Chapter 37

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"I'm confused, who do you have feelings for?" Lola asked.

"I have feelings for Jessie too."

"How do you know that?"

"When he let me off and when I saw him yesterday I remembered how good we had it in the beginning before everything turned into a mess..."

"Skylar you are so confusing, so what you are telling me is that you have feelings for both?"

Skylar took a deep breath, "I don't know at all."

They both turned to the door when they heard a knock, Lola got up, "I will get it,"

Lola opened the door, Skylar wondered who she was talking to,

"Skylar some-one is looking for you."

Skylar mouthed to Lola, "Who is it."

Lola motioned for her to come over, and she got up. When she got to the door she was surprised to see Jessie standing at the door, he had his hands in his pocket.

Skylar took her time to look at him, she hadn't analyzed him. When he looked up at her she felt as if her breath had caught. His eyes were so warm.

He shuffled his feet in uncertainty, "I know I came without contacting you or letting you know. Can we talk?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Can we take a walk and talk somewhere a little more private?" He asked her hesitantly afraid that she might refuse to talk to him, not that he would blame her, she had every reason to.

"Yeah sure, give me a minute so that I can put on my shoes."

Skylar went back and as she was putting on her shoes, Lola whispered to her so that she alone could hear, "What does he want?"

"To take a walk," Skylar whispered back to her.

"You have to tell me everything when you get back, and take your time so that you can assess how you feel around him."

Skylar tied her shoelaces and nodded, she got up "I will."

She went back outside and found Jessie waiting for her as she had left him when he saw her she could swear that his eyes lit up or were she seeing what she wanted to see.

When she stood in front of him, he smiled down at her, "Shall we?" Jessie asked.

"Lead the way."

They started down a woodsy path, the trees were long and the breeze was refreshing. It was a beautiful place, it was as if she was in a dream but she couldn't fall into the full fantasy mode because Jessie was next to her and she felt very nervous as to what he wanted to say.

They got a place with rocks and Jessie climbed on the rock with such ease and then held out his hand for her to take. She took his hand, and he pulled her up as if she weighed nothing. She plopped down across him.

Skylar started to draw shapes on the rocks when neither of them spoke, Jessie raked his hand through his thick dark hair, and she blushed when she saw that he had been watching her watch his movement. She looked away,

"Skylar, I don't where to begin but I have a lot of things that I want to say to you."

"Anywhere, is always a good start."

"In all honesty, I have missed you so much."

Skylar noticed that there was so much emotion in his voice and that he genuinely meant what he said. She didn't know how to respond to it and she looked down waiting for him to carry.

"I know that I messed up pretty bad with our relationship, and I want us to go back as to how we were before this whole fiasco," said Jessie.

"I also don't know if we can."

"Please hear me out, Skylar."

Skylar nodded and waited for him to carry on,

Jessie took a deep breath, "The first time that I laid my eyes on you I was completely mesmerized by you, I wanted to know everything about, what your favorite food is? Your favorite color and what were your likes and dislikes."

"And when I heard your voice Skylar it really made me fall head over heels for you. Your scent makes me happy and everything about you draws me to you. Your smile and the way you even laugh. I found myself looking at you all the time and any-time that I found an opportunity to talk about you I would take it."

"Then I saw you at the party and I had a great time dancing with you, and I didn't want the night to end. I was very sad when I had found out that you had left the party. When I asked you on a date and you agreed I could barely sleep that night and I couldn't wait for the day to end so that we could go on our date. When we went to our date, I was more than happy Skylar."

Jessie took another breath, and his eyes became very sad, "But then that was shattered by my best friend when Reign also made a claim on you. I didn't know how to handle it and I was scared that he was going to take you away from me. So I told Reign that both of us would have to stay away from you. It was hard seeing you from afar, but it was much harder seeing you with Reign."

You mean a lot to me Skylar and I realized that I can't live in fear and I have to go for what I want, to take a chance and not to be afraid."

"So what do you say, Skylar? Will you go out with me?"

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