Chapter 25

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Monday morning came and Skylar couldn't have dreaded it. She hadn't answered anyone's calls or messages because she felt confined and she wanted to forget. She got a bright idea that she would go through with.

When her mother came into her room, she had her fake speech ready.

"Honey, why aren't you awake?"

"I don't feel so good." Which technically she wasn't lying about, she had barely got a wink of sleep the previous night and she felt very exhausted.

"Okay, but if it worsens let me know, and I will take you to the hospital honey."
"Thanks, mom."

"You are a welcome, sweetie."
Skylar lay back and when she couldn't fall asleep, she went downstairs and watched T.V. She tried to study but it also wasn't working.

When Wednesday morning came, Skylar knew that she had to go to school or else her mom would send her to the hospital. She felt her head pounding from the lack of sleep and she knew that it was going to be a long day after all.

Skylar raced down the hall when she saw how late she was. She went to her locker and took some books and looked at her time schedule, and she wanted to faint, she had Maths which means all the people she wanted to avoid were there.

She thought about skipping the class but she knew she couldn't. She had to face them sooner or later and she had Lola to help her. Skylar took a deep breath and she touched the door handle, she exhaled and turned the doorknob open.

Skylar walked in and she saw everyone was there, she didn't make eye contact with anyone.

"Sorry mam I'm late."
"Take a seat, Skylar."
Skylar scurried next to Lola, who turned to her with a frown and mixture of concern on her face. She knew what Lola and everyone else was wondering, where was she? And why wasn't she answering her phone?

Skylar gave an assured look and that she would explain everything to her later on. Skylar could feel a lot of gazes on her but she didn't look back she just pretended to focus on her school work. The minutes seemed to be stuck and when maths was finally over she got up, and Lola dragged her outside around the corner.

Skylar was glad that Lola had done that because she didn't want Karly or anyone else to call her.

"Dude where have you been?"

"I promise I will tell you everything during lunch."

"Okay, and you don't look so good Skylar, is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired."

Skylar looked at her timetable and saw that she had Science, she turned and made her way there. She got to class a minute late, when she made her way to her seat she could feel Reign's and Jessie's gaze were on her intently.

Skylar sat down next to Tyler.

"You don't look good Skylar. Should you be at school."

"Hey to you too Tyler and yes I am fine."

"I didn't mean that I am just concerned, You look half dead man."

"I am fine Tyler, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

Skylar took out her books and did a bit of work, that she doubted was correct. Her mind kept on buzzing, and the fact that Reign and Jessie were behind her didn't help the matter at all.

When the bell rang she jumped out her seat and went to find Lola. When she got outside she found Lola already waiting for her. They went out to the bleachers where nobody went during lunch and they were alone.

When they sat down, Lola bombarded her with questions, which she answered one by one. She told her everything from the break up to Reign coming to her house and the kiss, the date she had with Jessie and how confused she was.

"That's a lot to deal with."

"You think Lola. I am losing my mind."

"You need to make a choice Skylar."

"I know and I am trying to believe me. I have so much on my shoulders. I don't want to ruin their friendship, and I feel bad that Reign dumped Karly for me and the dates Jessie has taken me to. I feel as if we would be betraying him."

"So you have no idea who you like more."

"No Lola and I didn't know that until Reign asked me. I see Jessie's smile and then I see Reigns eyes."

"Wow, that's a tough one."
"To make it worse, if I get with Reign I will be blamed that I broke them up."

"No you are not to blame Skylar, we all knew that Reign was tired of her and he needed that push and I guess you were it."

"I don't know if Reign cares or am I just a new shiny toy to him that he will dispose of like Karly, I mean you should have seen how emotionless he was with her and then when he is with me, he changes."


"And so, I don't know which one is the true Reign."

"I guess you have to find out one way or the other, which is not finding out and going for Jessie who you think might be a better option."

The bell rings, Skylar and Lola make their way to history. Which is also a blur for, she just wanted to finish the day and go home.

When the bell rang, she made her way to the one class she most dreaded and wanted to avoid, which was English. When she got there, she found Reign and Karly were already seated and it seemed as if they were having a heated argument, which she didn't want to be part of. She put on her earphones and walked to her seat.

Skylar saw Reign and Karly turn to her and she acted as if she couldn't see them and she sat by her seat and hummed. She took out her books and set them in front of her.

She felt Reigns hand go around her waist and she nearly fainted when she saw Karly look at the gesture.

Reign pulled her close to him.

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