3. Making a Move

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Another day. I went to the guild hall with a spaghetti strap tank top and long pants with some holes in the front of the leg parts ya know? Anyways.

I walk inside and I see Lucy waving at me with the girls. I smile and walk to them and sit with them at a table.
"Hi girls! Good morning!" I said.
"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Wendy said.
"How'd you girls sleep?" I asked and they smile.
"Good! I bet you slept well when you were dreaming about Natsu~" Lucy said and they smirked and I blushed like crazy!

"I... I..." I was nervous. Am I that obvious?!
"Spill it girl! You totally like Natsu!" Lucy said. I look down blushing a lot and Wendy and Erza smile and giggle.
"Maybe...?" I said. They giggle.
"Awww! So cute! I see it happening!" Wendy said.
"I know right? You both would be a perfect match!" Lucy said.
"Juvia agrees!" Juvia said.

"Heheh..." I laugh.
"You should ask him out on a date!" Mira said and my face was super red.
"A.... a... a date...?" I said and I felt myself melting...
"What's this I hear about a date?" Gray said and he came up to us.
"GRAY SAMA!" Juvia said with heart eyes and she hugged him. He looked away in disgust.

"Geez Juvia when will you ever learn about personal space?" He said and she smiled and giggled.
"I couldn't help but eavesdropped on your conversation. I heard giggling so I was curious. (Y/N), you like Natsu?" He asked and I nodded blushing.
"That's a first. Who would like that moron?" He asked.
"Why (Y/N) of course!" Mira said and I covered my red face.

"WHO CALLED ME A MORON?!" Natsu yelled from the entrance.
"I CALLED YOU A MORON FLAME FOR BRAINS!" Gray yelled and they slammed their heads together and glared.
"ATLEAST IM NOT A COWARD!" Natsu yelled.

"YOU, YOU PERVY POPSICLE!" Natsu yelled and Erza punched them down.
"Alright that's enough out of you! Now HUG IT OUT!" Erza said and glared very scarily and they hugged.

The girls and I laugh and Erza smiles.
"Hey Natsu! (Y/N) has something to ask you!" Mira said.
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about Mira!" I said smiling and nervously.
"Of course you do, (Y/N)! Don't be shy!" Juvia said.

I'm so getting you back for this girls!
"I uhh..." I said and Natsu came up to me smiling.
"What's up, (Y/N)?" He asked..
I look down blushing so much and I was shaking. My heart was skipping a beat every time I think about this...
"Oh that reminds me! Hey (Y/N), wanna hang out together? Just you and me." Natsu said and my eyes widen and I looked at him. The girls smiled and giggled a little.

"I-I'd love to!" I said nervously.
"Sounds great! Meet me at the entrance tonight at 6. I have something planned." He said and I nodded.
"Sounds great!" I said and he walked off with happy and waved at me.
"Ooooooo!~ looks like you didn't need to ask!" Lucy said. I was about to faint but levy caught me.

"Easy there girl! Haha!" Levy said.
"Let's get you prepared then!" Lucy said.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked.
"It's a date! If it's just you guys then it's a date! Ya gotta look nice right?" Juvia said.
"Y-Yeah I guess.." I said.
"Let's go then." Erza said.
We all went out pretty much like a girls day...

After 3 hours of shopping and getting ready... it's almost 5:30...
"Almost done!" Lucy was doing my makeup...
"Lu, I don't wear makeup... I might look ridiculous..." I said.
"Nonsense! You look beautiful!" She said and finished.
"One more thing!" Wendy said and out a hair pin my hair.

"We're done!" The girls said and I looked in a mirror.... my eyes widen. I was wearing a dark blue crop top jacket with snowflakes on it and a white skirt with white high boots. My hair was curled a little and I was wearing such beautiful jewelry..
"Girls..." I said.
"Do you like it?" Levy asked.
"Like it? No I don't." I said and they looked down sad.

"I... I LOVE IT!" I said and they cheered.
"This is amazing! Thank you girls!" I said and they were gonna hug me but they said they didn't wanna ruin my look. So I smiled.
"It's 5:30! He's probably waiting for you!" Erza said.
"I'll go see if he's outside." Wendy said and went out. She came back.

"He just arrived at the entrance! He's wearing a nice suit! And I think he's holding a gift for you!" Wendy said and I blushed. The girls smirked.
"Let's go!" Levy said and the girls went down but Lucy and Juvia stayed with me.

"Hey girls! Have ya seen (Y/N)?" Natsu asked.
"Actually we got her ready! Bring her down!" Erza said. As I walk down with Lucy and Juvia helping me walk down the stairs, Natsu's eyes widen. I smiled at him and his jaw dropped. He started blushing and he stared at me.

I walk to him and blushed a little.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey. Wow. You look beautiful." He said and I smiled and blushed and giggled. I looked down rubbing my arm then I looked back at him.
"Thank you... you look handsome." I said and he smiled and rubbed the back of his head blushing.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he took out his hand for mine. I smile and grabbed his hand and we started walking. I wave at the girls and they wave back. Natsu and I walked to the same park we were last time. I see a picnic basket with a candle and a vase with flowers.

"Heh.. it's not much but I tried. Lisanna and Evergreen helped." He said. I giggle.
"No it's perfect. I love it. Thank you." I said and we sat down.
"So.. uhh.. I've never Uhh.. had a date like this before... so.. sorry if it ends up weird or something." Natsu said rubbing the back of his head blushing and laughing nervously. I giggle. He's so cute.

"Hehe. It's okay. I've never been on a date either." I said. "It doesn't have to be perfect I'm great with anything right now."
He smiled.
"Ya know, (Y/N)... you... are like the one person who understands me most... yeah Lucy and the others do too but we both have a lot in common... you're sweet, funny, tough, fun to be around, you're... amazing." He said and I blushed so much.

"Natsu.." I said and he smiled and gave me a small box. I took it and look at it.
"Heh go on open it." He said and I did. I saw a beautiful snowflake bracelet. I smile at him.
"Natsu... it's beautiful... you didn't have to." I said and he smiles.

"Come." He said and I gave him the bracelet and he put it on my right hand. I look at it.
"Thank you... it's so beautiful.. I'll cherish this.." I said and he chuckled. Should I tell him how I feel..? I start to shake and my heart starts beating so quickly.

"I had to go on a bunch of jobs to get enough money to buy it." He said and I giggle.
"How much did you go to?" I asked.
"Well... 10..." He said and lifted up his shirt showing a bunch of bruises and cuts and he smiled nervously. I covered my mouth.

"Are you okay..?" I asked.
"I'm fine! Wendy healed them fully! It'll be fine." He said and I sigh in relief.
"That's good." I said and we start chatting and joking around. He took out some sandwiches and drinks. I bit the sandwich. It's yummy! I smile and keep eating it. He's a good cook!

"This is great Natsu!" I said.
"Happy and I made it! It's a tuna sandwich." He said. Yummy!
"I love it! I'd like to buy 10 more please." I said and we both laughed. We finished our sandwiches. We started walking around and Natsu held my hand. I blushed and looked.

"Heh.." He said blushing and I smiled. This is the best day of my life! We kept walking around and I decided to go back to my home. He walked me back and we stopped at the entrance.
"I had a great time tonight." I said and he smiled.
"So did I. We should do this again sometime." He said.

"Well... goodnight (Y/N)." He said and I kissed his cheek. His eyes widen and he was red. I smile and giggle.
"Goodnight Natsu." I said and walked inside. He waved and walked off. I see him run off cheering about himself.
"WOOHOO! BEST NIGHT EVER!" He yelled and ran back cheering. I laugh and go back to my apartment.

I take a shower and come out in my pajamas and kept the bracelet on. I stare at it and smile. You're right Natsu... Best night ever...

I'm in love with a Dragon (Natsu x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now