Chap.1 "History of the Steel Ghost"

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I don't know if I should tell this story but I am going to say that this story is very real but first lets go into the history of the North Carolina-Class Battleship U.S.S. Washington BB-56, The Washington was North Carolina's sister ship and was authorized for construction in January of 1937. Her keel was laid on June 14, 1938 and was launched on June 1, 1940. She was finally commissioned in May of 1941, By the beginning of the Second World War, Washington was stationed in the North Atlantic in 1942 for she was to protect the convoys from a possible intervention by the Bismarck-Class Battleship Tirpitz. As part of Operation Ironclad, Washington was also ordered to protect the convoys near Englands coastal waters just incase the Tirpitz steamed out of the Norwegian Fjords. She was later recalled to the United States to be refitted but however, She diverted her course and she was later spotted near the Bermuda Triangle. During this time, She encountered several disappeared vessels such as the schooner Carroll A. Deering and the most famous ship the U.S.S. Cyclops.

The Captain, Willis Augustus "Ching" Lee Jr. was notable for remaining a clam and cautious person had decided to fire all she had at both the Deering and Cyclops, As the two main turrets were pointing straight forward at the old schooner, The men saw something that would shake them forever. What the men saw were bodies on the schooner which looked almost liked "Raisins" and skinny as bones, However this was still surprising to the men on the guns but of what came after they're discovery, Would change the way they would think forever. Now of what happened remains a complete mystery as all communications with the Washington was lost, The Miami watchtowers last reported the position of the ship saying that it was almost just out of sight until the infamous fog covered it as it steamed right into the thickness of it. The South Dakota-Class Battleships U.S.S. Alabama and U.S.S. Massachusetts were later dispatched out of Norfolk, Virginia while being escorted with the Aircraft Carriers U.S.S. Yorktown and U.S.S. Essex to retrieve or help the Washington. As the squadron got just around 90 miles off of the area in which is reported to have been the area in which all the ships had disappeared, The sailors reported hearing the sound of 16 Inch guns and Anti Air guns going off in the distance.

As Yorktown and Essex's squadrons of P-40 Warhawks and Douglas SBD Dauntless's took off, Most started to see lights in the distance while others began to see UFOs in the area. P-40 Pilot James H. Kingston reported in his log book that he saw the Battleship engaged in some heavy fighting just to the Northeast, As Kingston got a bit closer, He saw of what was a large creature for which he could not describe in words but he turned the fighter around and made it back safely to the Yorktown. When he landed on the carrier, Kingston was reported to have the thousand yards stare, He started to cry uncontrollably and was later transferred into the medical bay. Pictures of him were taken when he had his eyes so big that they were almost like balloons, The squadrons Captain, Edward J. Hill who was a survivor of the Pearl Harbor raid, Had began to question Kingston calmly while still remaining optimistic of what happened. Kingston was now mentally insane as he could never get the image of the creature that was attacking the Washington out of his head, The image of the creature was permanently burned into a mental image. The whole entire date this all took place was recorded from June 15, 1943-November 1, 1943. The time in this was also a bit off as most men were now paranoid and scared because of what Kingston had saw, Captain Hill ordered the men to calm down as they must now pray and hope for the best on North Carolina's sister ship.

 The time in this was also a bit off as most men were now paranoid and scared because of what Kingston had saw, Captain Hill ordered the men to calm down as they must now pray and hope for the best on North Carolina's sister ship

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(The last photo of the Washington, This photo was taken just a day before her disappearance. Even though the photo is dated 1941 and she having disappeared in 1942 and later reappearing in 1943, Most however did not take pictures of her as cameras were hard to come around during the time.)

As most were in fact warned about the strange events that unravel if one dares to enter the most mysterious place on earth the devil's triangle, The Navy and Air Force were in fact almost "Afraid" to even try and venture into the unknown to rescue the ill fated battleship and remind quiet about the U.S.S. Washington Mayhem or even mention it. The Squadron was recalled and the pilot Kingston was never heard from again, I immediately thought that the Navy and Air Force were covering up the story and began saying that the story was indeed fake but with the Washington not being in any port, started to raise red flags for me. My father who was a ensign on the Colorado-Class Battleship U.S.S. West Virginia, Which was one of the battleships present in Pearl, Had more to the story but he never told me of what happened. The reason he gave me is that "Ill tell you, When you're ready", My Father then later bought the now museum ship West Virginia. After he bought the Battleship, He began to invest in the Chicago Piano Anti Air Guns and later M2 Browning Machine guns. Even though the Battleship was in her 1944 condition, I said nothing because he started to drink and later become an alcoholic.

One night, He gave me the keys to the West Virginia as it sat soundly outside our house near the gulf in Mississippi. He said: "Son, I want you to understand that after refitting this warship, I want you to use it carefully, What I want you to do is to bring back the poor crew of the Washington". I said a very understandable yes to him. He would later die in the home in Mississippi in 2002, However for me, I got the "WeeVee" warship but I had no crew and I had to up keep her all by myself.

 He would later die in the home in Mississippi in 2002, However for me, I got the "WeeVee" warship but I had no crew and I had to up keep her all by myself

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(The West Virginia in Lake Sequoia near my home in Mississippi, She is in her 1944 condition for which she is modern.)

After some planning of how the hell am I going to get to the ill fated battleship Washington, I began to look for some assistance or suggestions of what next course of action should be. I paced back and forth wondering and thinking, I sat back down with a map of the Gulf and Florida Keys and of course the Triangle. However, It would be best if I just got some sleep and think more about it.

U.S.S. Washington: The Steel Ghost Where stories live. Discover now