Chap.9 "Escaping The Triangle"

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I awoke at 3:30 in the morning and went to go brush my teeth, after I brushed my teeth, I started walking up the narrow stairs and onto the deck of the West Virginia. I then looked at the Washington which was just resting so silently that there was no sound to it, it was so silent it was as if a city was deserted with the ambience only being just deathly quiet. I proceeded up to of where the bell of the West Virginia was located, the bell was only to be used as a warning or emergency but I wanted to stand beside it just incase something happens. While looking at the pale, bright, and white glare of the moon, I noticed the feeling that someone or something was watching me. For some reason, something was forcing me to look at the mast of the Washington, when my eyes laid upon the mast, I saw the same middle aged man with his crimson burning eyes staring at me. Those damn eyes just went right down to my soul, he then yelled so loud for which I yelled while ringing the bell: "GENERAL QUARTERS, GENERAL QUARTERS, MAN YOUR STATIONS, MAN YOUR STATIONS!!!". As the West Virginia came alive and ready for action, I no choice but for the Massachusetts and Alabama to tow the the ship back home, I told everyone that this is our cue and that it is time to get the hell out of dodge and return home. Then something unexpected occurred, the Washington's 16 inch guns turned around and faced the West Virginia's hull, suddenly, I including Morgantown got knocked down while my ears were ringing. The shockwave of the Washington's superior 16 inch guns was so overwhelming and powerful that it shook the whole damn ship, I got back up on my feet now shell shocked and starring the evil bastard in the eye, I took my M1911 Colt which was a original standard issued WWII Colt and aimed at the cocksucker's head and pulled the trigger. After I pulled the trigger, the bastard's head exploded due to one of my crewmen having a M1898 Krag-Jørgensen Carbine and actually took the shot which killed the middle aged man. The situation then became more insane as I ordered some now unofficial ragtag band of marines to get on the Washington to disarm its 16 inch guns, as the marines got on the battleship, they done of what they were ordered to do and disarmed the 16 inch guns rendering the battleship unable to harm anything.

As the West Virginia started to speed up, I saw more leviathans roaring in the distance, I looked at everyone and Morgantown. They all looked like they were ready to make it out of this damned wretched infernal hellhole of a place, I then blew the horn and went out on deck and said to the beasts: "Alright you great beasts of maximum potential, you can scare me and my friends but y'all have forgotten one damn thing and it is never ever to fuck with an American sailor like me or any other American at all!", the beasts just stood while one looked at me straight into my eyes and let out a roar in which all the other creatures dived straight back into the deep dark abyss of the Triangle. I said to the crew that we are now safe for now, as our battlewagons with a cruiser leading the formation got into place, I said to everyone that they needed to keep their eyes out for any possible enemy and including the Marines of Darkness warships. I ordered Alaska to stop leading the formation and let our battlewagon to lead the squadron, as the Alaska fallen behind a bit, I noticed that something didn't seem right about the death of the middle age man. When I was looking at that man before the shot rang out, I could tell that it was as if that marine shot at a ghost or a hologram.

Picture it like this, say for instance that you shot at a enemy combatant, but the bullet wound didn't look real. Its very hard to describe of what I was seeing but I am trying my best to put it into words, when the shot rang out, I could've sworn that I saw someone or something like taking the bullet to save that mans life. I questioned of what I saw to the point in which I called a conference to discuss if what we all saw was real or was just completely a hallucination, I also completely forgot the fact that the Triangle had powers to cause hallucinations that were so real that you couldn't doubt that it was there. An argument broke out between a gunner and a midshipman which caused even more debate of who the man was and what was his purpose in the Triangle, as I sat there at the table watching this argument and thinking about of what in the hell to think about of what I was seeing during that moment. It all came rushing back to me as if someone opened up blocked or suppressed memories and I finally came to a conclusion of what I saw, what I saw was indeed a hallucination, that man was indeed not real but I would also come to the realization that we were all going to go batshit insane if we spend more time here than trying to get home. Things began to once spiral out of control after someone had claimed to have seen the middle age man, I said to the marine who had claimed to have seen him that he was seeing things that the Triangle wanted him to see, others claimed to have seen past dead friends and family. The symptoms increased to the point in which most of the crew began to lock themselves in their rooms, most began to talk to themselves and repeat sentences which was followed by hearing noises for which were not there, the most important and deadliest of the symptoms was fainting without showing any signs of illness or disease. After a couple of hours, one of the main gunners came screaming incoherently about that his wife is dead and that his house was on fire, I ordered him into his room and placed guards there just in case if that gunner came out of nowhere to hurt someone.

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