Chap.10 "Terror Rising"

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I woke up due to the suns beams shinning upon my eyes, as I sat up and rested my back against the warm steel, I sat there with my head hung down. When I went into a mental breakdown of the horror that not only me but my crew witnessed last night, I almost took the god damn gun to my head and blow my fucking brains out, but I am glad that I didn't. I got up and said to one of the crew who had a krag carbine held tightly in his hand to get me a report on the West Virginia, a runner came to me with a damage report that 30 of the crew were wounded, I knew we had to get the hell out of this shit kicking hellhole and I was running out of options, and the pressure was intensifying of how we were going to get out of here. I made observations of this place, the Bermuda Triangle, this place was at least I can describe as actively throwing us off course to keep us in this nightmarish reality, let me explain of how it works like this, whenever we try to escape we keep going in circles or just complete round-a-bouts until we end up at square one of where we all started. The fog immediately came up on us with an extreme force of a storm, the wind was so damn cold that it lowered drastically lowered the temperature with the rain being extremely cold almost like liquid nitrogen, then the sky turned so damn grey that the sun was just barely visible. Then we heard a loud horn like noise with an extreme bright light, it was like we were being hypnotized, the crew began to see things that weren't there more often and I was just overwhelmed more with the fact of new symptoms appearing. The new symptoms included exploding head syndrome in which people would hear loud explosions that wouldn't exist, extreme cases of tinnitus were also present and it was becoming so serious that most took the gun to their damn heads just to stop it. As we all headed eastward and into relentless storms, we battled so many new creatures that took insanity to a whole new level of reality, these huge leviathans would rain terror on anything that accidentally stumbles on its territory. These new creatures were more terrifying than the Magnathorax's, describing these creatures was on the edge of impossibility, I told most of the gunners to shoot to kill as our lives were on the line.

The sky was being filled with flak as the five inchers and three inchers tore up flying winged beasts, the Bofors and Chicago pianos were also doing damage against these flying winged beasts that looked similar to bats and the Ahool cryptid. These flying beasts had claws that protruded their underbellies and with the biggest eyes that glistened in the light of the sun, they would screech so loud that I would have to stuff cotton in my ears just to keep them from bleeding. I even went as far as to pick up a damn 50. Cal browning with my own two hands and started shooting at these winged demons, Morgantown also did his part in fending off the beasts by getting on a Chicago Piano and blasting them out of the damn air. The battle would last for what almost seem like months or years, then the horn blew once more and the 16 inch cannons fired a broadside at a couple of kraken like squids.

 The battle would last for what almost seem like months or years, then the horn blew once more and the 16 inch cannons fired a broadside at a couple of kraken like squids

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(A photo taken from the Tennessee of the West Virginia unloading its 16 inch cannons on two kraken like squids, this proved once more that naval power was better.)

As the California and Alabama opened fire, so did the Alaska causing severe damage to the two kraken squids, the beasts tentacles were all a bloody mess that it colored the water around us in a darkish red. After I killed much of the winged beasts, I ran towards the starboard side and let loose on the Browning 50. Cal with a passion. I was also using binoculars to find out where these creatures were coming from, they were all coming from portals and vortexes that would appear out of nowhere, this warrant me to get on the radio to get more help from home. I ran around to get to the ladder that leads up to the radio room, I sent out S.O.S. Messages to any nations battle fleet to help us, we all got an answer from around ten different navies. The Navy would send out a squadron of over twenty battleships, around the news of the world was the important of these sea faring warships and the need for them began to skyrocket, meanwhile my fleet was engaged in a huge all out war just to get home. I realized that this wasn't about getting home or the mission to save the Washington, but it was more about trying to integrated the triangle into the United States by the Marines Of Darkness, I knew this rogue navy would be a pain in the ass of trying to fulfill my mission. Then another message came through and it was not a message that I wanted hear but California and Cascadia succeeded, this was the beginning of the Balkanization of America, Deseret also succeeded due to of what the Marines Of Darkness were up to. The Confederate States reformed itself and New England also succeeded, I now had to focus of what in the hell was going on outside, when I went out on the crows nest, it was hell in the fucking sea. When I looked down into the water which was clear as a diamond, the sea was being roamed by the dark figures but that is not all I could see, I could see bones upon bones with fire.

I also saw people just burning down there, this was probably the most scariest shit that I ever saw in my life, the symptoms intensified to the point of no return. The hallucinations were becoming more scarier than a damn dream, I saw bubbles rising from the bottom of the location of where we were, corpses were just laying on the ocean floor as if they were being eaten alive. The Dark Figures were literally dragging the corpses down into the sand while they screamed with agony, abnormal vibrations began to violently shake the West Virginia, it was like a sea quake that was so unexpected that it took us by surprise. The Figures began to beat and brutally butchered the corpses almost like they were hungry starving lions, the leviathans then ate the Dark Figures with a fiery vengeance, I didn't even wanted to blink at all. I could hear static, like as if it was calling me up, I shake my head rapidly about three times to keep me from losing it completely. Then came a new object on the sea floor, this object was a Skipjack-Class Nuclear powered submarine and then came the feeling that maybe it was the U.S.S. Scorpion, the Scorpion was the submarine that went missing and was found destroyed at the bottom of the ocean without an explanation. Then a wall of dust and sand began to rise which it covered the entire ocean as if a nuclear weapon had detonated underwater, the weather got dark and went back to the normal foggy, rainy, and cold misty atmosphere. I went back into the chart room and wanted a current position of where the hell we were in the ocean, then someone said "MAN OVERBOARD", I immediately went out on deck and saw the crew lifting of what looked like a man in his early 40s wearing a 1950s suit. They pulled him up out of the water and tried giving the man cpr but the thing that really interested me was that the man was moving, when he opened his eyes he let out a blood curdling scream that I or any of my crew would ever forget.

The man was screaming about of how he saw and spent freezing to death for over a thousand years, I ordered for him to be put in a cell deep within the West Virginia, the battle ended with all forces retreating. I got a report from the Massachusetts's spot plane, they said that we were almost out of the Triangle and we had to hang on just a bit longer, after all the shit that we've all been through, I was more than happy to just let the Bermuda Triangle fade away as a memory.

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