Chap.11 "Back In The Atlantic"

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After sleeping for god knows of how long, I woke up in another cold sweat and got my binoculars to see of where in the hell we were at, I let out a deep breath that came with a smile as I looked at the heavenly waters of the icy Atlantic. It was like an unimaginable relief that I felt lift off from me, but however, I didn't get to carried away with this as it could just simply be an illusion from the Triangles mysterious powers. I walked back and forth to think about of what in the hell really happened to the Washington, I came up with the conclusion that we were dealing with forces beyond are comprehension, I walked back into the chart room and told the navigator to plot a course for Wilmington North Carolina. As the fleet began to speed up, we were about 90 miles from Wilmington so I began to pressure my men about the importance of getting the fleet back home, then a storm came in and almost caught us off guard. The Tennessee and Alabama started to shoot at an location that was around 15 kilometers off the starboard bow, the warships rapid fire with passion and their secondaries opened up against a few of what seemed to be black ships that were of the Marines of Darkness, I ordered the crew to commence fire against the enemy warships. When I looked into my binoculars and could tell of what type of warships were these, they were Alreigh Burke-Class Missile Destroyers that were painted in a very black camouflage, this was a stupid idea as they attacked with a camouflage that made them clear as a crystal to see. I counted around 15 destroyers which meant we were out matched and needed assistance, I contacted both the Air Force and Navy to ask for assistance, what I got from the other end was an enraged rear admiral who said what I caused was an second civil war, as me and the rear admiral yelled at each other, I ultimately slammed the radio receiver down. I was so pissed off that I became fanatical about returning and saving the Washington, I needed to calm the hell down, anger was a luxury that I cannot afford as it would doom all of us. All warships were engaged in some of the most gruesome action, the cannons were roaring while the secondary gun batteries were unleashing hell upon the destroyers, Alaska was experiencing the worst pain known to man and it was missile after missile came raining down on her.

The semi battlecruiser/battleship began to list just slightly but she put up a great fight and sunk around five destroyers with her main guns, I place my hand on the button that sounds the horn of the ole West Virginia and slammed my hand down on the button with passion, the horn was so loud that it almost blew the speakers out, then the whole sky changed to a golden color and a reddish haze which resembled of how West Virginia looked like during Autumn. The Marines of Darkness crew on the destroyers had expressions of pure fear and just blank expression signaling that they have lost all hope of winning this battle, they tried their damn best to defeat the fleet but they have failed so many times, I got on the loud speaker that could be heard clearly from miles away and said these words: "Okay you low down scoundrels, its about time that you have finally got a taste of some of your own medicine, mark my words all of you treasonous scum, you will regret everything that ya'll ever did if you don't back down this instant!". After I said that, all hell broke loose and chaos ensued, the Marines of Darkness were defiant in almost every way, they were die hard to the point of no return and were fanatical about sinking the fleet, but what they didn't understand is the fact that they have lost this war against me and the mission.

The captains of both the Alabama and Massachusetts were fed up with this bullshit, there remained only two destroyers left and the secondaries of these tow battleships combined, they literally tore the hell out of the last two remaining destroyers. Then the lookout spotted some cruisers that were of the Ticonderoga-Class Missile Cruisers, I was extremely exhausted but I kept on going regardless, if I gave up now, we would all die right here in the icy waters of the Atlantic. However, these cruisers were official U.S. Navy standard cruisers and were waving the white flag of peace to have a bit of a chat with me and my fleet, now I must admit that I was near insanity at this point and fanatical about returning the ill fated battleship to the states, but I had to hear the officials out so we can together defeat the Marines of Darkness. West Virginia pulled up against the U.S.S. Philippine Sea, it was weird as we parked alongside a warship named that as 70 years ago, the ole battleship was in that battle back in the 40s. While we marched aboard the missile cruiser, I was greeted rather warmly by Fleet Admiral William S. Gordon who was in charge of monitoring the coast with cruisers and destroyers, he said to me that I literally stirred up hell while I was gone. He went as far to tell me that it has been seven years since I entered the Devils Triangle, my jaw had dropped, it hit me like a splash of ice cold water, seven years I have been gone but I was still trying to figure out of what year it really was. The skipper came to me with a calendar to prove it, the year was now 2009, I was really trying to find words but I was just so shocked that I literally said that we were in there for a total of twelve hours, I even had the log book of the West Virginia to prove it. I showed him the log book and he his eyes blew up like balloons, he was amazed that we were in there for 12 hours, but, I am not sure if it was even that amount as I kept passing out due to the symptoms.

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