Chap.12 Finale "Returning The Washington"

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After sinking most of the warships of the Marines of Darkness, I made most of the fleet that was loyal to me to be as fanatical in the mission, we were going to get this mission done without any questions. My order would be relayed to every battlewagon in my fleet, I told everyone to question any order that is received by and from the Navy or federal government, this would be the end of all of this chaos, I will return this battleship that had been missing for over 70 years, even if I have to bring the fleet to Baltimore and bombard the entire Capital of the nation to destroy the Marines Of Darkness. We were all under the guise that the Marines Of Darkness had overrun the government, this would a wild guess card as to of what the hell happened of when we were gone in the Triangle, we now float in untamed waters and are afraid of traveling down into the depths of the unknown. Wave after wave, day after day, and night after night, what is the meaning of life as I ask myself as the waves tremendously splash on the decks of the ole West Virginia, will there ever be life after death, will there ever be peace on this world, will there ever be freedom to an potential that will be maximum and the goal of "ultimate freedom"?, as I take the wheel of this battlewagon of pure interesting history, I say with a passion the motto of the state of West Virginia: "Monti Semper Liberi!". I shouted: "ALL AHEAD FULL!!!", I will never apologize or kiss anybody's ass for what I've done to get the Washington back to of where it belongs, the West Virginia speeded up and went so fast for twenty knots, though being slow, she still managed for a ship in such perfect condition. Things became so clear that the road of the future was seeable, I became restless and was tired from the battles that took place in the Triangle, I was still traumatized due to of what I experienced and seen in that god forsaken place, the horrific screams of men being killed in the most grotesque ways and the howls of the magnificent beasts will give me nightmares till the day I die. The waves started to be a bit of a pain but I mustered through it, I turned a bit to ease tension on the rudders as they were about 50% repaired, I didn't mention this because I was in such a hurry to get the battleship ready for the battles in the Triangle. I got handed my binoculars and I saw the port, it looked like it hadn't been used in several years as if it was abandoned by the companies that controlled it, moss covered the windows while the weeds seeped threw the cracks of the bricks.

As we got closer and closer, I noticed smoke in the clouds above and I knew exactly of where it was coming from, it was originating from of where Raleigh is. I didn't think much of it but I still was questioning of what in gods name happened when we were gone, this became a matter of importance as I began to realize that not only the conditions of the country were all war torn, but I began to question of where my family was, I became worried of what happened to them while I was gone. We finally drift into port with the Washington, I said to most of the crew to dock her aside her sister ship the North Carolina, now for the real reason of why I return this ill fated battleship back to the states, when I got on the concrete platform and had an almost unimaginable relief of being stuck on the West Virginia, a mailman came up to me. This mailman looked so familiar but I couldn't remember of a time and place of where I saw him, he looked through his mail bag and pulled out an old envelope, his clothes were drenched due to the onslaught of rain that was coming down, as he gave me the envelope he muttered these words to me: "This is from your father". I went into an immense shock and looked at the hand writing on the envelope and it was the same as my fathers hand writing, as I opened the envelope and unraveled the letter, I began to read it:

"    Dear Son

I am proud of you my boy of doing the impossible and making it back to the states, my son, you have done it and I congratulate you for completing my original mission. The real purpose for you is to make the impossible become possible and you've made it out of one of the most mysterious places on the planet, you have made history as you and you're men have made it out, I reward you with the Medal Of Honor from the deepest of parts of my heart. I have to say that you are a sight for sore eyes when it comes to actually holding a browning 50. Cal, I am also glad that you have taken out my arch nemesis the Marines Of Darkness, they were formed back in 1949 by the CIA and only served the purpose of causing black chamber operations and starting wars between nations. Now that you have completed my task that I knew that I would never complete, I reward you with this medal, take it and wear it with pride and may the wind be at your back as you travel to place that is almost heaven with the West Virginia.

                                                                                                                      Love, Dad."

After reading this note, I was in utter shock and as the storm went away and the sun rays shinned on everything, I felt that peace has finally come to the world. Then I heard my name shouted by my wife, I sprung around and saw her, she came running up to me and swung her arms around my neck, I hugged her for around five minutes and showed her the letter. It all became bit clear to me but I was uncertain of what to do next, Morgantown came to me and said: "Well, what now?", I said to him that it was time to get home and get some rest. Then my son came running towards me at of what seemed to be Mach 9 or 10, I hugged him and said: "Its time to go home now.". As we boarded the West Virginia, I was struck with a little bit of fear but I knew now that my mission was complete and wanted to get home as soon as possible, I ran up to the forward cage mast which was a bit of a challenge and looked through my binoculars to see if there was any civilians. The entire city of Wilmington was in ruins, cars littering the streets, trash everywhere, buildings on fire, and barrels being used as camp fires, it looked like something out of the Terminator movies, but I was certain that most were doing okay and decided to get some rest. I went back down the cage mast and transversed the hulls, I reached my cabin and my wife and son were just sitting on the bed, they wanted to know if our home was still there, I told them not to worry. To be honest, I hated being ignorant around my family and giving them predictions that may not be true, but I was just wanting to get home and hope to damn differ that the country gets back on its feet. We set sail for the port at my home in Mississippi, it all seemed so calm on the sea with the sun lighting up the sea with its golden rays and the sky being painted with the colors of the spectrum, after all of this mess, I finally can rest my soul.

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