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Closing the door as quietly as he could behind him, Changkyun practically held his breath as he toed off his Vans at the door, kicking them quietly under the shoe rack. If Yungjae was home, Changkyun didn't want him to hear him.

Eventually, Yungjae would go and find him wherever he may be, but for now, he wanted to avoid him for as long as he could.

"Changkyun?" Yungjae called from the living room, his speech slightly slurred, and Changkyun knew he was done for.

His heart began to pound in his chest as he placed his bag on the floor next to the shoe rack, socked feet making a light thumping sound as he carefully and slowly headed towards the living room.

He hovered in the doorway for a bit, noticing the empty beer cans on the coffee table, and he gulped. Yungjae still had a can in his hand, and that had to be his fourth one of the day. Everything inside of Changkyun knew this wasn't safe, but what was he to do?

Taking a step into the living room, Changkyun felt himself grow hot.

The atmosphere was completely different inside the room as opposed to outside. Inside it was a lot more primitive, more eerie and a Hell of a lot more dangerous. Changkyun's instincts told him to run, to get as far away as possible, but he couldn't.

Every fibre of his being was controlled by this man, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Come sit on my lap," Yungjae ordered, and Changkyun started to gnaw on his bottom lip as he hesitantly traipsed over to his boyfriend, doing as he was told even though he really didn't want to.

Yungjae's hand - the one that wasn't holding the beer can - immediately found purchase on Changkyun's lower back, and the gesture sent chills up the younger male's spine.

Something about the position they were in - Yungjae, being a twenty-two year-old working man, and Changkyun, an eighteen year-old college student - seemed wrong to Changkyun. Everything seemed wrong to Changkyun, yet he was powerless to change any of it.

Yungjae's hand slid under the turtleneck Changkyun was wearing, his cold hand causing Changkyun to jump in his lap, but Yungjae remained oblivious.

He could practically taste the alcohol on his boyfriend's tongue every time the older male breathed, and it made Changkyun feel sick.

"Take this off," he slurred, and Changkyun squeezed his eyes shut before he lifted the sweater off of himself, leaving him in his plain white t-shirt.

The bruises and fading marks and cuts and scars on Changkyun's arms were all visible to Yungjae, but he seemed to take no notice of them. Changkyun just sat there, arms pinned to his sides, bracing himself for...whatever Yungjae was about to do.

He could sense something was about to happen, but Yungjae really was unpredictable sometimes.

Fingers danced along the surface of Changkyun's bruised neck. The skin glowed a nasty shade of red, almost as if the callous nature of Yungjae's hands had given him a serious friction burn across the expanse of his neck.

Changkyun winced at the contact, tears filling his eyes as the sore skin was caressed gently, a total contrast to how rough he was handled the day before.

He didn't dare voice how much it hurt, though. He knew if he did, something much worse would happen to him.

"Y'know I don't like hurting you," Yungjae suddenly spoke, gruff and deep.

Changkyun gulped, and he knew Yungjae felt it against his fingers.

"Then why do it?" He asked quietly, voice shaking as he set his eyes on Yungjae's, hazy and definitely not focusing right now.

"Because you drive me to it, sometimes," the older male answered, and Changkyun felt the tears in his eyes spill over. "You're so perfect, y'know? And you're mine - y'know you're mine. When you're at college, I get so protective over you. Because you're gorgeous and there're so many sleazy guys that would wanna get their hands on you. But you're mine, and I have to let people know that."

Changkyun didn't know whether he should feel honoured or betrayed.

If the pieces of his heart hadn't been shattered before, then they definitely were now. Changkyun...drove Yungjae to hurt him?

Suddenly, he felt sick, and before he could even process what was he was doing, Changkyun was off of Yungjae's lap, stumbling over to the kitchen sink and throwing up the non-existent contents of his stomach down the drain.

Why did life have to treat him this way?

What did Changkyun do in his past life to deserve this?

Why was there no way out for him?

Why was he forever trapped?

Allowing himself to let out a sob, Changkyun slid his body down the cupboards behind him until he touched the cold flooring of the kitchen.

The whole time, Yungjae just sat there. He didn't move a muscle, completely oblivious to his boyfriend sobbing his heart out in the kitchen. Completely oblivious to anything he was putting Changkyun through.

Completely oblivious to anything in general.


i have a habit of just ruining our babies. first minhyuk in 'from zero' and now changkyun i am-- so sorry

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