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It was quiet. Too quiet...

Changkyun closed the door carefully behind him, not wanting to make any noise in the already silent house.

Yungjae was home, his car was parked in the drive. Unless he'd gone out somewhere and decided to walk, which Yungjae liked to do sometimes.

"Yungjae?" Changkyun called out, sliding the bandage off of his arm and stuffing it into his coat pocket.

When he didn't receive a reply, Changkyun swallowed down the anxious lump setting in his throat, shrugging off his coat and toeing off his shoes.

He set off to find Yungjae, peeking into the living room and kitchen and bedroom. He even looked in Yungjae's study which he was never allowed to go in, period.

It was only then that he remembered the bathroom, and slowly crept his way to the unchecked room. He felt like something would jump out at him, it was so eerily quiet.

"Yungjae?" He asked, poking his head around the open door, and seeing Yungjae sitting on the tiled flooring.

There was glass all around him, and when Changkyun looked up, he noticed the smashed mirror on the wall, specks of blood staining the mess of the glass still there.

Looking back down at the man sitting on the floor, Changkyun saw the blood painting his knuckles and the shards of glass sticking out from the red skin.

"Yungjae..." The boy whispered, kneeling down next to him and being mindful of the glass surrounding the two of them. In hindsight, he should've really kept his shoes on but how was he supposed to know Yungjae would've smashed a mirror?

'Be prepared for anything, Changkyun,' he reminded himself.

"Yungjae, what happened?" He asked softly, thinking about stroking his arm but opting not to. At this point, Yungjae really was unpredictable.

But he would get like this sometimes; when he wouldn't speak to anyone or do anything. Changkyun had a strong feeling he would have to leave Yungjae here for a few hours, at least.

As expected, Yungjae didn't reply. He just sat there passively, staring at nothing, and Changkyun took it upon himself to get Yungjae cleaned up. As scared as he was, he didn't want his boyfriend's knuckles to get infected.

Once Changkyun had cleaned up Yungjae's knuckles, he really didn't know what to do with himself. The two of them just sat there on the bathroom floor for a few minutes, before Changkyun moved to get up and placed his hand on the floor beneath him to help him.

He'd forgotten about the glass on the floor until it was too late, and hissed in pain when he felt the shard dig into the palm of his hand.

Sighing out, Changkyun continued to get up, this time being mindful of the floor around him and quickly washed the blood from his hand at the sink before leaning down to pick the scattered shards up from the tiled floor carefully.

Yungjae still remained passive the whole time, and Changkyun figured he should just leave him there for the time being - he would be ok within a few hours.


Changkyun didn't eat dinner that day.

Normally, Yungjae would tell him to make something for them, but with Yungjae being locked in the bathroom practically all day, he couldn't bring himself around to do anything other than worry about him.

He'd thought about texting Soonyoung, but decided that was probably the worst decision he could've ever made, and was glad when he chose not to. He loved Soonyoung, but he probably wasn't the right person to talk to about things like these.

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