How you meet him

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Harry: You just received your acceptance letter from Hogwarts and here you were in Diagon Alley purchasing the necessary items needed for school. You and your mom passed by a pet store and saw a beautiful green-eyed black Persian cat. You absolutely wanted it. Like, you really do because you're a major animal girl. You looked at your mom with those irresistible puppy eyes you know she couldn't refuse . Laughing, she finally agreed and led you inside the store to get it. You squealed and giggled while your mom held your hand. Once inside, you saw a boy with round glasses about to purchase a snowy owl. You decided to approach him and introduce yourself. Hey, you know you could use a friend or two in this new world. The boy looked at you, surprised that you're talking to him. But nonetheless, he still introduced himself. You learnt that his name was Harry Potter. And what a coincidence! The school he'll go to was the same as yours! Harry bid you goodbye, leaving you to smile at his leaving figure. He was soooo cute! I can't wait to meet him again. 

Ron Weasley: Your mom decided to take you with her to the Weasley's because she needed to talk to Molly. You heard that your mom's friend has a son that is about your age, making you excited about coming. Once you reached the lovely house, Molly greeted you and your mom. She led you to sit near a table full of your favorite sweets. This must be heaven! You looked at you mom and she nodded. You picked two and ate them at an incredible speed. Gosh, they're so delicious~ While you were practically eating to your heart's content, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You looked back to see a boy with a massive bedhead and cute freckles spread out his face talking to his mom. You giggled and he finally noticed you. He blushed and fixed his hair rapidly. He shyly approached you and introduced himself. Hmm, Ron huh? He's funny. And cute. You did the same and soon talked about yourselves. You learnt that he has 5 older brothers and 1 little sister. Must be nice to have siblings. You thought this because you were an only child and it gets a little lonely when your mom goes to work. Your dad was nowhere to be found ever since you were born. You didn't ask your mom about him because she always seem to look sad whenever she looks at a picture of a man she kept in her room. You assumed he was your dad and that he left you guys. You were glad that you feel so loved even though you're family isn't complete. And now, there's an addition to the people who made you happy. After a while, your mom called for you. You were about to leave the lovely house. You bid farewell to Ron and his mom, Molly. You smiled to yourself on your way home. That kid was so funny. I'm glad he became my friend. And we're going to the same school!  I can't for the first day!

Draco Malfoy:  It was your first year at Hogwarts and you were really scared. You didn't know anyone and you were kind of shy. You were walking with your fellow students to the Great Hall. It was time for the Sorting Hat to sort you into your houses. You noticed that there was a boy with platinum blonde hair looking at a boy with round glasses with disgust and is that irritation? He's cute.  If I recall , he was sorted into Slytherin right? Oh my go- stop it Y/N. Stop it girl. It's just the first day. This is not the time to be crushing on boys you don't even know.  You turned your attention back to the teacher when she called your name. You walked towards the Sorting Hat. When it was placed on your head, you saw the same boy looking at you with a smirk. The Sorting Hat sorted you into.....Slytherin! When the Sorting Hat said that, you can't help but blush. You were sorted into the same house as that boy. Walking to the Slytherin table, you sat at the edge of the table, looking down. You are a really shy girl and being with a lot of people makes you somewhat uncomfortable. Someone sat down beside you and you blushed when you noticed who it was. He smirked after he introduced himself. You went redder than you were before. You introduced yourself as well. His smirk faded and shock evident on his face when he heard your last name. Oh god. This is why I'm scared about making new friends. They value blood status more than the person themselves. He said nothing and left you to sit back with his friends. What a wonderful first day! Someone already hates you. Or so you thought.

Fred Weasley: You're a 2nd year Gryffindor. You're kind of an introvert and always wanted to read. You're pretty confused when you were sorted into Gryffindor. You always thought you're going to be in Ravenclaw but well, sometimes things don't go as expected. You were sitting on a bench near the hall, reading. You heard a nearby scream and a couple of voices laughing loudly behind you. You looked to see the infamous twins high-five each other for a prank well done. You shook your head and just went back to reading. The story was reaching it's climax when you felt eyes staring at you. You looked up to see a pair of red-head twins smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and ignored them. You assumed they left as you heard footsteps fade. Looking up once again, you  see the same red-head looking at you. But this time, George wasn't there. You see his twin, Fred smiling lovingly at you. He looks like he wanted to say something, but contemplates on whether he would say it or not. This is the first time you've 'met' the twin despite the fact that the both of you were from the same house. You stood up and was walking towards him when he turned tail and ran on the opposite direction. You shrugged and just walked to the common room. Weird. Why would he run? I hope we can talk next time, he seems like a nice guy.

George Weasley: You were already acquainted with George since your dad is friends with his dad, Arthur. They work in the same department in the Ministry of Magic. This makes you childhood friends. You came over to his house when you were kids to play whenever your dad goes to work. Your mom was also busy because she's on a business trip.

Oliver Wood:  ~You're in your 4th Year~ Your friend and roommate was on the Ravenclaw quidditch team and she wanted you to go and watch their practice game with Gryffindor. Don't get me wrong, you like watching her play but just not on this day. You were not pleased with all the things that happened to you. You lost every game of wizard's chess you had with your other friend, you tripped and spilled your potion earlier in class, the papers that contains your 2 page essay were dripping wet. Not to mention that it is freezing cold outside and your cloak was borrowed by your housemate. This is sooo not my day.  But you didn't want to upset her so you went. You sat on the bleachers with just a scarf and gloves to keep you cold. You were shivering and sneezing when you felt absolute warmth cover your body. You looked up to see a boy from the other team drape his cloak over you. Holy- wow. He's cute. You blushed when you realize you thought of that. For Godric's sake you don't even know the boy! He introduced himself as Oliver, a player for the other team. He noticed that you were shivering and that you were by yourself. He wanted to help so he came over and did just that. You didn't even get to thank him because he flew to were his team was. I guess today is not all bad. 

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