I got tagged??

3.5K 20 21

Tbh I don't know what to do but I think it's 10 facts about yourself??? I don't know the rules so enjoy 10 useless facts 🖤

Tbh I don't know what to do but I think it's 10 facts about yourself??? I don't know the rules so enjoy 10 useless facts 🖤

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Sooo... bitch u might get tagged

1. Draco Malfoy fan fictions are the reason I downloaded this app

2. I haven't seen the it movie from 1990

3. I was going to delete this book in February 2018

4. I hated tiktok when it first became a thing

5.  When I was in 4th grade I dyed on stripe in my hair blue to show my aNgSt

6. Karens scare me

7. I really like Arizona green tea

8. My favorite movie is Heathers ❤️💛💚

9. My Birthday is December 1

10.  I thought this gif series wouldn't get more than 5k reads

So I guess that's it 🖤🖤
Im just tagging people that I follow
(If u get tagged again because I updated some of these I'm sorry)


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