Finding out

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When Jacob told me about the Legends I was curious. The next day I was getting Evelyn ready for for the day.

 The next day I was getting Evelyn ready for for the day

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Jessica and Angela told me if I wanted to go with them to the Dress Shop. I said yes because I could get the book I wanted. So I picked up Evelyn and went to the Dress Shop. I wasn't even paying attention to Jessica and Angela because I was playing with Evelyn. Jessica said "Are you even paying attention. "I said" Of course." Then these boys knocked on the window and they were start starting saying you look hot and stuff. We all said that was disgusting. I told "Jessica,and Angela that mean if we are going to  the bookstore and that we will meet them at the diner."

When I went to check out the book I know it was dark and the man gave me a strange look. So I got Evelyn and walked out the walked out then I saw a boy at the end of the alley and I went to walk away then there were boys down there. They kept trying to check me and Evelyn. Then a car pulled up almost hitting them. Then I started work it out and Edward said "Get in the car."so I did he just stood there in the boys ran away. He got in the car and Edward said" I should go back there and rip their heads off." I said "No." I said" can you slow down because if you haven't noticed I have my baby sister with me." He slowed down and I reach for the air conditioner in the car to turn it off when I did I took his hand and it was cold.

Will you reach the diner and got out saying "That's my dad" and Edward said "That's Chalise."(I think that's how you spell) We walked over it and Charlie took Evelyn out of my arms to hold her. Saying" Someone killed Wilson "(think thats how u spell it)then I remember that it was his best  friend. He gave me back Evelyn. And got back to work. Then me Evelyn and Edward walk to wear just cut and it was work. I said "Sorry we're late." Edward said "You don't mind do you." They said" No."and left.

We went in the diner and picked a table in the back. It was silent at the table till Evelyn begin to babble. We just looked at her laughing. And Edwards said "I can't read your mind." Then he started telling me what people are thinking. After that he dropped me and Evelyn off. I put her in the tub then put her pj on then  gave her a bottle then put her then put her to sleep.

 I put her in the tub then put her pj on then  gave her a bottle then put her then put her to sleep

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Then then I went to my room and read the book then I got a new computer. I know what they are..... Vampires.

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