I walked up to the roof to see him. I know I shouldn't be but James can be nice when he wants to be. I saw him sitting there. Starring at the stars he eyes were sparkling. I walked up beside him and sat down.
James- u came
Echo- yeah
James- I'm gals you did
Echo- why did u want to talk
James- Because who wouldn't want to talk to you beautiful
Echo- I think you know who
James- really stop thinking of those bitches they are jealous of you beauty
Echo- damn I thought you liked Rae
James- nope why would I
Echo- because I heard her say you did
James- no I probably should tell you
Echo- yeah it cold and why else would I come up here
James- bc you like me
Echo- I don't I love Cole
James- bullshit
Echo- it's not bull shit I do
James- do u want me to tell you or not
Echo- please tell me
James- well........