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a/n i'm not ganna go back and forth with this pov stuff it's just for this chapter 💜


jungkooks pov

i'm not sure how i feel about taehyung. he scares me at times but he says that he's looking out for me and maybe i'm just to gullible but i believe him. no one has ever said that they just want to look out for me. it's always "jungkook practice this," or ,"here learn these lyrics." i'm still not entirely sure i but i want to be able to trust him.

taehyung hasn't replied to my last message about min yoongi and it's scaring me. it's still late and i'm terrified. terrified of the death threats and terrified of what taehyung might be doing. i'm sweating when taehyung finally replies.

don't worry. you're safe now
he's not going to bother you anymore

what did u do??!
you didn't hurt him right??

just because the threats are scaring me doesn't mean that i wish harm on the guy who sent them. i'm panicking now, jimin said that this guy is crazy but i didn't believe him...maybe i should have.

don't worry about what i did
all you have to know is that you're safe now

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