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jeon jungkook looks so perfect here. in my own slice of paradise.

i've never taken anyone here. this is where i go to find peace. there's a small water fountain in the corner and a record player that allows gentle music to float through the air.

as i lift the blindfold off of jeon jungkooks perfectly tanned face i take this chance to admire his beautiful yet again. with his hands tied to the chair and the confused look on his face he looks so beautiful, adorable...submissive.

i run my thumb over his bottom lip as he tilts his head so he's looking up at me. oh the things i could do to him. the ways i could touch him. if only he would let me.

"why...why am i here?" jeon jungkook whispers as i bend down in front of him so we're eye level, "i want you to be mine...and only mine"

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