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i wake up with jungkooks arms around my waist holding me closely against him and i smile. he looks so peaceful. when he's asleep he doesn't have to think about the pressure people put on him.

he yawns throwing a leg over me so he's holding onto me like a koala and i laugh. only quietly though. i don't want to wake him up. his eyelids slowly start lifting and he looks up at me. his sleepy pout becomes a frown as he pushes me away from him, "why are you in my bed?" he basically yells as he moves a pillow in front of him as if it will block me from moving closer to him. "don't you remember baby? you had a nightmare, i came to make sure that you were okay."

he drops the pillow at the same he drops his jaw, "i'm sorry..."

"why are you sorry?"

jungkook looks away almost as if he can't bare to look at my face, "i hit you last night. i shouldn't have done that," he's shaking his head now, "i'm so so sorry."

i smile at him reaching out and cupping his face in the palm of my hands, "don't be, that's love."

"that isn't love," he says in basically a whisper, "i told you that i would teach you how to love and i've done a horrible job at that." jungkook runs a hand throw his messy bedhead and locks eyes with me, "you don't hit people you love."


he gets up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "i'm ganna go shower. i have to go do things for work today. you can stay here i guess but i'm going to be leaving soon."

once he leaves the room and goes into the bathroom i open his cupboard and take out a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt for him. everyone knows it's his signature look. i search in my jean pockets until i find one of my small microphones and clip it onto his shirt. i need to make sure he's safe today.

after that i make a quick breakfast of toast with eggs and avocado and leave it on the counter with a little note telling him to be safe. i hear the shower water turn off and go to leave the house.

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