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liked by laurencarter, larajcovey, andrewlarsenn, and 263 othersalexia

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liked by laurencarter, larajcovey, andrewlarsenn, and 263 others
alexia.sinclair always smiles with p
tagged: peter.kavinsky

view all 17 comments
laurencarter my cutie bby
|_ alexia.sinclair 😘❤️

larajcovey #palexia 🙌
|_ alexia.sinclair LJ this isn't some Wattpad fanfic we don't need a shipname!

peter.kavinsky i remember the joke i told when i took this
|_ alexia.sinclair i was only laughing to make you feel better about your bad joke

A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to make it clear that it's been like a week an a half since the first date and they've been hanging out a lot since then! I hate this book lol. xoxo, me❤️

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