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ugh i messed up bad

whatcha mean?

a while ago before lex and i were
a thing, she asked me if lara jean and i
dated, and i just brushed her off, but she
found out and she's really mad at me bc
i didn't think it was a big deal

yeahhh she didn't have a lot people
in her life that she trusted before she moved
here, and so she just feels like she has
to be super careful who she lets into her

if she felt like she couldn't trust you,
she probably is just using being mad at
you as an excuse to distance herself from


how do i fix it?

bring her a coffee and tell her the
whole story

she's heard sorry too many times
for it to actually matter to her

ugh thanks so much lauren

no problem kavinsky

don't let her push you away


Following Lauren's instructions, Peter drove over to Alexia's house with a coffee from her favorite coffee shop. He knocked on her front door, which was opened by a brunette that Peter had only seen in a few of Alexia's instagram pictures.

"Hi, I'm Peter Kavinsky, is Alexia home?" Peter says to the girl. "I just need to talk to her about something."

The girl smiled. "Oh so you're Peter! I've heard a lot about you. I'll go grab Lex and you can just go to the kitchen." She says.

So Peter walked into the kitchen as Lexia's smiling sister ran upstairs. Inside the kitchen, Lexia's younger brothers were sitting at the table doing homework, and her dad was cooking at the kitchen island. The boys jumped up and ran over to Peter.

"Peter!" Jack yelled excitedly, holding his hand up for a high-five. Peter smacked his hand which made Jack smile. "You here for Lex?"

"Yep!" Peter said, giving Reese a high-five too. "Hey Mr. Sinclair."

Alexia suddenly appeared in the kitchen, not looking like her normally smiley self. Peter immediately felt horrible and handed her the coffee. "Hey..." He said slowly. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah sure." Lexia said, walking outside to her porch. The whole porch had this super cool white dome around it with light and seating area. The two of them sat down at one of the tables.

"Lexia, I know I didn't tell you the truth in the beginning about me and Lara Jean, but if you want, I can tell you the whole story. I feel horrible for making you feel like you cannot trust me." Peter said. Alexia smiled. "I want to make this right."

Peter and Alexia talked for a little while and Peter told the whole story. "I can't believe you guys fake dated for 4 months!" Lexia exclaimed, her laugh making Peter laugh. "I'm really glad you told me and I'm really sorry for overreacting and being a bitch."

"I like you Lex." Peter smiled.

"I like you too."

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