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A/N: Omg I'm honestly super confused because I wrote more for the last part but it kinda disappeared when I published it. Idk. Sorry about it!


Alexia are Veronica we're getting closer everyday. Veronica mentioned Max once but never again after Alexia basically said she would see him over her dead body. Lauren still didn't trust Veronica, but how could she after she was the one watching Alexia cry every night after Max and Veronica stabbed her in the back.

On this particularly chilly November afternoon, the crew sat in an extra large booth in Corner Café. Alexia was cuddled into Peter's side, sharing a basket of fries. "I can't wait for the Ski Trip!" Lauren exclaimed before taking a sip of her diet coke.

"What's a ski tip?" Alexia questioned. Being new to the school meant she was kind of in the dark about all the traditions and things that happen for the seniors.

"Every year, the upper classmen get to go up to the mountains for this ski trip." Logan explained. "It's super fun and last year, I won fifty-dollars for going down the black diamond."

"I hate ski-ing." Alexia sighed. She looked up at her boyfriend. "Are you going Peter?"

Peter shrugged. "Yeah. I think so." He said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have fun." Alexia said. Lauren looked at her with wide eyes and Emelina shook her head, making Alexia confused. "What?"

"You can't let Peter go alone." Emelina said. "The ski trip is notorious for more people losing their virginity than prom night. You gotta watch out for your man!"

Veronica instantly had an idea. "Peter won't cheat on Lex!" She cut in. "Lex, we should have a girls weekend! It'll be fun."

"Yeah, maybe."

liked by ronnietill, laurencarter, and 342 othersalexia

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liked by ronnietill, laurencarter, and 342 others
alexia.sinclair it's chillaaaaay

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em.west2001 getting prettier everyday
|_ alexia.sinclair u are!

ronnietill ur the cutest🥰
|_ alexia.sinclair ur the sweetest☺️

peter.kavinsky cute sweatshirt
|_ alexia.sinclair i got it from a cute guy

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