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peterkavinsky posted on his snapchat story !

peterkavinsky posted on his snapchat story !

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alexia.sinclair posted on her instagram story !

ronnietill replied to your storyomg ur so lucky!

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ronnietill replied to your story
omg ur so lucky!

i know i am

peter treats me really well

better than max, or u, or olivia
ever did

alexia... im so sorry i treated you
so poorly

my therapist and i have been working
on it and we talked about making amends
and stuff with people i've hurt in the past
but you changed your number and got a
new social media i couldn't for the longest time

i've changed a lot since you left and i really
hope you can forgive me and we can be
best friends again because i miss you aly

i'm glad ur working on urself ronnie

i miss you too but you hurt me a lot
and i'm just not ready right now


Alexia moved away from Peter and held her Instagram DMs up for Lauren to read next to her. The teenagers were all spread out around the living room playing 'what are the odds' and drinking soda. Alexia, Lauren, and Peter were sitting on the couch, with Alexia snuggled up into the side of Peter's body and his arm around the girl.

"That little backstabbing whore," Lauren said, not very quietly. The rest of the group looked their way questioningly. "You were way too nice."

"Laur! She apologized," Alexia shrugged. "I'm not gonna just ignore her!"

"Who?" Peter said, making the girls aware of everyone else in the room.

In unison, both the girls answered, "Nobody."

Logan got up from the chair he was in and looked over Alexia's shoulder. When he saw the name on the screen he said, "Ugh. She's cancelled." Which made Lauren laugh. "Why is she texting you again," He asked as he popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"I dunno," Alexia shrugged. Peter leaned over to see and Alexia shut her phone off. She didn't want Peter knowing about Max, Veronica, Olivia, or anyone else in the past. When Peter protested, she shut him up with a kiss and smiled. "I'll tell you later, P. Let's just keep playing."

Violet here!
So, I'm publishing a new
story (hopefully tomorrow)
and i would really appreciate
if you guys read it and
left some feedback!
i'm really excited about it!

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