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Emelina takes peter back to his room with an ice pack covering his right cheek. As much as Peter hurt me, I hated seeing him hurt. There were so many thoughts going through my head currently that I had to just leave.

Despite the protests of Lara Jean, I left the hotel room in search of something to take my mind off the whole Peter-Lauren situation. My eyes settled on Christopher Perkins, the adorable baseball player that asked me out a few weeks before Peter and I started dating.

"Hey Chris!" I shouted across the hotel lobby. As I waved, Chris came jogging over with the pearly white smile he always wears. After Chris asked me out and I said no, we remained friends. "You wanna go do something? I'm super bored."

"Hey- yeah, I'd love to Alexia," Chris says. We walk towards the chilly December weather and I remember I left my coat in the hotel room. "Oh, uh- did you see Peter? It looked like he got in a fight or something."

"Peter will be fine," I said bluntly. I spot the ski slope ahead of us and I point it out. "You know what? I've never been skiing."

Chris looks at me, surprised. "Really? Well c'mon, you have to go!" He says excitedly. "Let's go, I'll teach you."

"Alright, let me go grab my jacket. Wait here," I say with a smile before dashing back into the hotel. I slip into my hotel room to find everyone gone. It dawns on me suddenly that they're friends with Peter too, and they're probably with him right now.

Ignoring the thought, I grab my jacket and meet Chris downstairs.


I need to talk to Alexia. To explain to her that the picture is from over the summer. Lauren and I had a little fling when her and Logan broke up for a few weeks. That's it. I try to explain it to Emelina as she kneels in front of me. She puts Neosporin and a bandaid on the but above my left eye, and tells me she doesn't want to hear it.

"Em, let me go. I'm fine," I tell her, attempting to pull my face away. That accomplishes nothing, so I let her finish fixing me up. Lauren walks in, looking confused.

"What's happening? I saw Alexia at the slopes with Chris and she pretended not to know me," she notices the cut in my face and gasps. "Oh my god, Peter. What the hell happened to you?"

"I'm going to go," Emelina says abruptly, standing up. "You two should talk."

Seconds later, Emelina is gone, leaving me confused and Lauren extra confused. Why was Alexia with Chris? Why didn't anyone believe me? I'm beginning to think this whole ski trip is cursed.

Violet Here!
What the heck!?!? 20k reads!?!
Thank you all for your support
even though I rarely update!
The story is coming to an end
and I can confirm there will be
a sequel coming in May/June!!!

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