The Dark Ones

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Felix and the team are off to Tasmania City. They pass through remnants of pre-war equipment and old, destroyed villages. 2 days have passed and they're still Miles away from the city. They decided to stop and rest. They ate, slept and did some exercise since they've been sitting for hours. Ryan checks the fuel canisters and discovered that they only have 2 containers left and the other 2 empty. Just enough to get them to Tasmania. At late afternoon Felix decided that he'll gather some water on the nearby creek. He walked towards the creek behind the tall bushes and began filling the bottle with water. Suddenly the creeks water started to evaporate. Felix's instincts kick in and he takes out his revolver and shot through the trees. After a few seconds a blast came out of the tree and Felix dodges. A tall creature jumps out of the tree covered in alien armor and armed with what looks like a plasma rifle. "So they came back?" Felix says to himself. The creature fires some blast at him but Felix still dodges all of them since he's a half mutant himself. After dodging the shots Felix attacks it with several shots. The creature backs off. Ryan, who's been attracted to the battle, jumps out of the bushes behind it and attacks with the alien weapon he got from the ship a few days ago. The creature is on its knees. Just before Felix would finish him off, the creature spoke "Please, spare me, I'll leave y'all alone". Felix is shocked. So is Ryan.

"Who are you? " Felix asks

"I am Novik. From the Lambada Resistance. "

"Never heard of it" Ryan replies

"You are going to tell us everything you know. Then we'll let you live."

"A'right I will. Its what I'm told to do anyway. Know where do I begin... "

"Soooo..... the Dark Ones are an Ancient Civilization that travels through dimensions. Its a huge empire and has already conquered one dimension. Our dimension is next. Our galaxy is a staging point for their army to conquer the rest. So they invaded. First planet invaded was Hylota. The Hylotl homeworld. The Hylotls escaped by building their own ship and made contact with the Novakids, which is what I am. A gas entity. We fought the Dark Ones but yet failed. As more species came together the stronger they get. Then we heard news about a young species that defeated the Dark Once on their home planet. Heck you guys never even had ships. And yet you defeated e'm. So we started an operation that'll make you fight with us. We need your help. We need the species that has a trait not well known to the species that came together. Self-sacrifice. "

"What do you mean Self-sacrifice?" Felix asks

"You sacrificed your government, cities and some people to save humanity. Now your species may be living in a scary place with mutants, but your still alive. Am I right?"

"Hmmm... Well I think you are. But you said awhile ago that you're in a mission to make us know you. I think you should come with us to a city. We're on a trip to ask something from the government. "

"Haha!! Well you just made my mission easier! "

"And one more thing. Why'd you attack me" Felix asks

"You striked first. I had to defend. "

"Oh. Ok... Sorry "

To be continued

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